Category "multithreading"

problems getting ThreadedTCPServer to work with selenium and report-portal

I've encountered a behavior that I simply do not understand. Implementing a ThreadedTCPServer with selenium was working fine until I decided to attach reportpor

How to collect, store and organize output with network and threading?

Need your help and suggestion, I'm collecting data from networking devices and I'm storing it to dictionary "output_dict={}" at the same time I'm going to use t

Killing a thread or an asynchronous task

let's say I use a jar that IBM has created. Let's say that this Jar has a function that I need but is ultimately build as such: while (true) { System.ou

Tried to implement Leetcode's FizzBuzz multithreading question from scratch. Getting "libc++abi.dylib: terminating" error

I started learning multithreading a few days ago because of a coming internship interview. I learned it and tried to solve Leetcode's FizzBuzz multithreading qu

Tried to implement Leetcode's FizzBuzz multithreading question from scratch. Getting "libc++abi.dylib: terminating" error

I started learning multithreading a few days ago because of a coming internship interview. I learned it and tried to solve Leetcode's FizzBuzz multithreading qu

Can I Set The Number Of Threads From An External FIle in Apache Jmeter?

I have many JMeter scripts that are testing different scenarios and I want to create a configuration file for some common values across my scripts, so I will no

How to import functions from an external namespace onto my project in c sharp

I want to import functions from a different namespace in an external file into my c sharp project. But what's the right method to do it. I copied the .cs file w

A case for multiprocessing?

Say I have a function that gives me a lot of data coming from a device when called. I want to accumulate this data in a memory buffer. When the buffer reaches a

AtomicReference not working to avoid race condition in java multi threading

I have a "" class that has Integer variable count initially set to 0. In another class "" I have set the User object in AtomicReference.

Is Apache EventListenerSupport thread safe?

Summary The org.apache.commons.lang3.event.EventListenerSupport is used in order to fire when some class performs a certain operation and wants to inform all li

Raising exceptions in a thread

I tried to get the example 1 Raising exceptions in a python thread using PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc() from geeksforgeeks Different ways to kill a Thread running.

linux fcntl file lock with timeout

the standard linux fcntl call doesn't provide a timeout option. I'm considering implement a timeout lock with signal. Here is the description of blocking lock

Execution Flow for Executor Service

I am using Executor Service for multithreading. I have the below code: ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100); final Multimap<String,

Real time plotting of serial data with python and tkinter

I have been working for some time to find a way to graph incoming data from an arduino with a Python GUI. I was able to accomplish this using the Matplotlib ani

Tensorflow: num_intra_threads and num_inter_threads

I'm trying to clarify two parameters: intra_op_parallelism_threads and inter_op_parallelism_threads . I assume intra_op_parallelism_threads means the number o

Atomic Operations for Multithreading in SBCL

I'm getting an error when loading a function that contains an atomic operation. As a simple example, the file test.lisp contains: (defparameter *count* 0) (def

Why is my .Net app only using single NUMA node?

I have a server with 2 NUMA node with 16 CPUs each. I can see all the 32 CPUs in task manager, first 16 (NUMA node 1) in the first 2 rows and the next 16 (NUMA

How to share a numpy array between multiple threads python?

I was actually trying to modify some yolov5 script. Here I'm trying to pass an array between threads. def detection(out_q): while(cam.isOpened()): r

How to limit number of parallel executions in ParallelStream?

list.parallelStream().forEach(element -> ...); How can I limit the number of parallel threads nowadays? There was a "hack" in the past to set a System prope

Multiprocessing OpenCV in Python

I have a simple Algorithm, I want to run it fast in parallel. The algo is. while stream: img = read_image() pre_process_img = pre_process(img) text