Category "netflix-zuul"

In Gateway Zuul Filters, how to modify the ContentType of an API request

My requirement is to receive an encrypted request of content-type text/plain. Using the zuul pre filter I will have to decrypt the request and forward the decry

Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains compatible versions of the classes org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication

I recently upgraded by sprint boot to 2.6.6 following a RCE vulnerability. However, now I application isn't starting with error: APPLICATION FAILED TO START Des

Zuul multiple wildcards and nested routes

Using Zuul (version 1.3.1) I want to have the following routes config: zuul: routes: serviceA: path: /us/*/a/** serviceId:

Deployment issue on Heroku : zuul + eureka + microservices

Thanks for taking the time to read my post. My issue is as such. I have 2 microservices (auth-service and image-service) deployed on Heroku, as well as a server

Zuul Route Definition

I am having a small issue in getting the Zuul route config correct. Here's what I have currently zuul: routes: microservice: path: /service/* Hystrix Readed time out

I am trying microservices with eureka and zuul. And there is a problem with all requests, which take more then 1 second. As I have understood, 1 second is defau

Zuul routing the requests through an external proxy server

Our current project requirement is to to route some requests to third-party external api servers. For this we are using spring zuul based router service. zuul:

Spring cloud - Zuul cannot set timeout

I have a zuul server with a config file as: server: port: 9090 eureka: client: serviceUrl: defaultZone: instan