Category "nucleo"

Linker error: "cannot move location counter backwards (from 200009f8 to 20000800)"

I am trying to build my code for Nucleo STM32F042k6 with PlatformIO firmware Mbed but i get the following error: .pio\build\nucleo_f042k6\STM32F042X6.ld.link_s

stm32-h743zi nucleo-144 ADC

i have a problem with getting value from ADC on the nucleo144 board. I connected a potentiometer to the pin A0, but the ADC is stuck in the HAL_PollForConversi

STM32 I2C interrupt method requires a blocking while loop?

I have a Nucleo-F446RE, and I'm trying to get the I2C working with an IMU I have (LSM6DS33). I am using STM32CubeMX and checked out all the example code for my