Category "opencv"

Concatenate images from folders by their ORDER in python

I know how to concatenate two exact images, but I need to combine two images each from their own folder. I cannot do it by name of the image or don´t know

How to capture Open3d screen without saving

I want to use the open3d image screen right away without saving it as a file. However, the 'capture_screen_image' function provided by open3d must save the imag

error: OpenCV(4.5.3) :-1: error: (-5:Bad argument) in function 'VideoCapture'

I am trying to enable the IP cam that I have access to, it's feed by the browser. but couldn't able to get a video stream using an IP camera, only get a result

opencv bot Recursion Error using pyautogui , python-imagesearch, cv2

Im writing a bot using cv2 , pyautogui,and imagesearch libaries. in this function im searching for an image then I'm going to run another function when found if

How can I retain background after dilating text in image

import cv2 import numpy as np # Load image, grayscale, Gaussian blur, Otsu's threshold image = cv2.imread('1.png') gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRA

Trying to play sound with python opencv with specific pose

hello i'm trying to play some sounds with a specific gesture with my hand but don't know the conditions to play that sound while (for example): my hand is in fe

Opencv facing an error for tesseract module not found even after installations

Opencv facing an error for tesseract moule not found even after installations pip install tesseract opencv reinstallation also done but it wont work. opencv i

Real time detections not happening without creating a 5 second delay

I trained a deeplearning model (EfficientnetB0) and now using OpenCV, I want to make real time predictions on the model. But I am unable to do so without creati

Installation error OpenCV 4.5.5 from source code in Windows

I was trying to install OpenCV-4.5.5 from source on my windows machine. This machine has the latest Nvidia drivers as well as CUDA 11.6, I did not run into any

AttributeError: module 'cv2' has no attribute 'VideoCapture'

I had some problems with Opencv - cv2 in Python. This attribute problem also happens with "imread." I tried to uninstall and reinstall with contrib-Opencv,but i

Fitting a contour inside another contour using OpenCV

The idea is to have a rectangular contour, searching for the points of intersection with the triangle one (as shown in the image below) and then move the recta

Mask a part of the face using MediaPipe - python

I want to mask the cheek, but this mask should have curved edges and not be sharp. I drew the mask using the landmark keys: right_cheek = [330, 350, 411, 376, 3

Access pixel value of mask using opencv

I got a problem where I need to access pixels of a opencv Mat image container. I use opencv inRange function to create a mask. In that mask I need to check the

Quantify longest axis and width of irregular shapes within a single image

Original question I have about 80-100 images such as (A). Each image is composed of shapes that were filled with black color after marking the outline in ImageJ

How to convert a hex string to an image vector

I am making an API that reads an image as a hex string. I need to convert the hex string to an image vector like what you would get from: img = cv2.imread('abc.

OpenCV get pixels on an ellipse

I'm trying to get the pixels of an ellipse from an image. For example, I draw an ellipse on a random image (sample geeksforgeeks code): import cv2 path = r'C:\U

Vector point std::vector<cv::Point>

I am trying to draw a trajectory on an image and saving these trajectory points as std::vector<cv::Point> trajectoryPoint and I would like to access the

Python Opencv how to improve SIFT output?

train_image = 'train_image location' sift = cv2.SIFT_create() gray = cv2.cvtColor(train_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) (kp, descs)

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement python-opencv

I am trying to install the opencv python library. This is the command I ran: pip install python-opencv I got this error: ERROR: Could not find a version that s

Image masking by coordinate or changing binary image pixel to black based on the the coordinate

I have this binary image and i want to remove the objects (convert all the white pixel to black ) that are above the (x, y) coordinate. This is the inital binar