Category "openshift"

CodeReady Containers not starting

I'm using the latest version of CodeReady Containers but after the first run, it doesn't start anymore: >crc start -p pull-secret.txt Is '/Applications/Code

Is it necessary to install 3 master nodes in openshift?

I am trying to bring up Openshift cluster on hardware. By default, Openshift recommends to install 3 master and 3 worker nodes. I have to install containers and

Add Custom Header to HTTP request in Load Balancer

I have an containerized application/service deployed in openshift container platform with istio service mesh. In istio virtual service yaml, i wanted to validat

Gitlab CE and Operator runner API

I have installed gitlab (v14.X) Operator runner on OpenShift (v4.6). The Runner successfully registered with GitLab for a specific project. The Log has followin

Gitlab CE and Operator runner API

I have installed gitlab (v14.X) Operator runner on OpenShift (v4.6). The Runner successfully registered with GitLab for a specific project. The Log has followin

How can I use OpenShift built in Ingress to expose SMTP/IMAP?

Can I use OpenShift built in Ingress operator to expose SMTP and IMAP services? I can't use NodePort Service as I have a cluster that is setup to not expose any

OpenShift 4 support ActiveMQ Artemis?Or need suggestion for best message broker compatibility with openshift4 [closed]

Can anyone guide me on what message broker has the best compatibility with OpenShift 4 or which one should use? Does OpenShift 4 support Activ

Change Docker base image of running containers

I have been using alpine as the base image for the docker containers which are getting deployed in openshift platform. The reason being it was light weight and

Openshift: Expose postgresql remotely

I've create a postgresql instance into my openshift origin v3. It's running correctly, however I don't quite figure out why I am not able to reach it remotely.

How do you add multiple config files to configMap with kustomize configMapGenerator by using a pattern/regex/...?

Currently I do this: configMapGenerator: - name: sql-config-map files: - "someDirectory/one.sql" - "someDirectory/two.sql" - "someDirect

Mounting ConfigMap deleted old data from MySQL my.cnf file

I am a newbee in Kubernetes/Openshift. I am trying to update MySQL configuration using configmap. I have the below yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadat

Mixed Content error because of Keycloak default login redirection

INFORMATION NEEDED: I use Keycloak (Docker version) behind a Spring project. (The client side of this project is React and communication between client and ba

Gitlab-Runner on Kubernetes/Openshift

I'm trying to deploy Gitlab-runner(s) on Openshift/K8S, but can't succeed in having runners communicating with Gitlab (itself deployed in pods on OCP). I follo

Openshift routes are not redirected to particular service

I have deployed few services of my application on openshift : E.g., app-ui, app-backend,app-store ,main. I have defined separate routes for these services to ac

Fluentd container not running on Openshift

I am trying to run the fluentd image on Openshift. I am using the official image of Fluentd from Docker Hub for the same. However, i get the following error -

Readiness probe failes because mongosh --eval freezes

I installed the latest bitnami/mongodb chart for a standalone architecture. The Readiness and Liveness-probes are failing because the statement mongosh --eval "

Why does OpenShift oc login fail with no such host?

On OCP 4.3 the oc login command generated from the dashboard "Copy Login Command" oc login --token=asdfghjk... --server= fails with:

How to have multiple object types in a single openshift yaml template?

Here is the sample template for single PersistentVolumeClaim with name : claim1 apiVersion: "v1" kind: "PersistentVolumeClaim" metadata: name: "claim1" spec:

CORS : Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: Redirect is not allowed for a preflight request [duplicate]

I am trying to integrate the angualar js app with the backend spring boot , in which i am facing the redirection is not allowed for a prefligh