Category "oracle18c"

Need to know if SQL Oracle can output a certain hierarchical style

Needing to know if this is possible. I'm trying to get a hierarchical output looking like this: TITLE|CHART|FUND|ORGN|PROGRAM S |S |null|null| S |S

Hibernate - C3P0 JDBC connection pooling

I'm not a Java developer, but a systems administrator, so forgive me for any senseless statement or questions. I suspect the C3P0 connection pooling is not set

Compatibility issues with Oracle OCCI and g++ 7.1

I am trying to create a C++ application with OCCI (versions 11,12,18, all lead to the same issue explained below) using gcc 7.1. The application below compiles

How to insert 1 million rows into Oracle database with Python?

I have ~100,000 to 1,000,000 rows to insert into an Oracle18c database. I'm quite new with Oracle and this order of magnitude of data. I reckon there must be so

Treat Oracle subtype as supertype

I have a query that uses Oracle's MDSYS.ST_GEOMETRY type (link): select mdsys.st_point(1, 2, 26917) from dual Output: [MDSYS.ST_POINT] The query outp