I am going to create an API that converts an HTML page to a PDF file. I made it using pdfkit and FastAPI. However, it saves the file to my local disk. After I s
I would like to convert an HTML page into a PDF file, based on the given URL. I have tried pdfkit, but it throws the following error: [WinError 740] The request
I have asked the question on the repository directly, but in my experience SO is more reactive. Hey there, I am trying to create a pdf from photos using pdfk
When an iOS PDFView is added to a UIView, the PDFView's page area adds a shadow-like border. Is there a way to eliminate the shadow? I know a few messy ways t
I am having some issues trying to display a PDF which is stored in Firebase Storage in my SwiftUI app. I have successfully done the following; Uploaded a PDF fi