Category "pip"

Error while installing pytq5 with pip: Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully

I try to install pytq5 with pip and get this error $ python3 -m pip install PyQt5 Collecting PyQt5 Using cached PyQt5-5.15.6.tar.gz (3.2 MB) Installing buil

My Kali linux showing 'No module named importlib' 'from importlib import import_module'

Trying to install build dependencies with pip which is installing in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages As I try to install proceed gives an error Collectin

PyQt5 problems with CMD

i need some help . I tried to install PyQt5 with CMD in window but when i enter pip install pyqt5-tools , i got this error : enter image description here how c

How to install wordcloud for python?

I am trying to visualise data using word cloud. However when I used pip install wordcloud, I got the following error: D:\...>pip install wordcloud Collecting

Google colab Glove_Python pip install not working

I am using ! pip install glove_python I'm getting this error message: Collecting glove_python Downloading

just installed Python, getting WinError 32 for any libraries I try to install

I just installed Python 3.10 on my work machine. I went to pip install pandas and got a Win32 error on a temp file within the AppData Temp Folder.I have tried

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement python-opencv

I am trying to install the opencv python library. This is the command I ran: pip install python-opencv I got this error: ERROR: Could not find a version that s

Not able to install django-allauth in ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS

I'm trying to add social authentication in my project but when I try to install django-allauth it is giving me error I've tried this post but no luck it's givin

How to install TA-Lib On vscode/windows(64bit)

I have installed Anaconda and then cd to my project folder and then I installed TALIB using pip install TA_Lib-0.4.19-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl When I run pip fr

Python3.8 Pip Distutils.cmd Not Found

I was trying to have a virtualenv set up where it is at python 3.8 while my system is at a more recent version. I have figured out how to create the venv but no

Install talib on docker

FROM python:3 USER root RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get -y install locales && \ localedef -f UTF-8 -i ja_JP ja_JP.UTF-8 RUN wget http://prdownloads

"incompatible architecture (have 'arm64', need 'x86_64')" error while installing numpy on M1 Mac with pip3 on Python Version 3.10

I was trying to install numpy version 1.22.3 on a M1 Macbook with pip3, and pip3 says the package is present, but when I try to import the module, an error gets

How to override python package version constraint during pip install

We have an organization level constraint file to specify what versions of python packages can be installed. This is configured in pip.conf For one of the projec

Pyqt5-tools installation error on Widows 11

Downloading when I downloaded Pyqt5. But when I try to download Pyqt5-Tools, I'm getting an error. I using Windows 11 When using Windows 10, it was easily downl

'pipenv install <package>' fails on fresh python3.10 installation

Just installed a fresh copy of Python3.10 via Pop OS, followed by pip and the python Pipenv package. Installing pip packages works fine globally, but if I try t

Upgrade CUDNN to 8.2 in google colab

I wan to use upgrade the CUDNN version from 8.0 to 8.1 and CUDA version to 11.2, but I am not sure how we can do this on colab. Below is the script I wrote to r

Python keyboard module non-functional with python 3.x and macOS?

So I'm trying to write a macro to automate a few tedious actions on my mac. I've been attempting to use the keyboard module for python (so that I can hook into

Vercel CLI Pyhon version issue when deploying Django project

When running the vercel command in Ubuntu terminal: Error! Command failed: python3.6 /tmp/2de7da56/ --user ERROR: This script does not work on Pyth

PIp install from git repo inside docker build with github actions

I'm working on segregation of common modules into dedicated repositories for our github organization. Use pip install from git repo in Dockerfile to install sha

How can I fix this error installing web3 on Python

ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: 'C:\Program Files\Python39\python.exe' -u -c 'import io, os, sys, setuptools, tokenize; sys.argv[0]