I am using Seaborn to plot some data in Pandas. I am making some very large plots (factorplots). To see them, I am using some visualisation facilities at my u
I'm trying to plot the Amplitude (dBFS) vs. Time (s) plot of an audio (.wav) file using matplotlib. I managed to do that with the following code: def convert_to
I have a file with 4 columns (radius,x,y,z) that contains on each line the coordinates of a sphere and its radius. Could you please help me to plot these sphere
I am not completely satisfied with the default scientific formatting for the tick labels. For example, import numpy as np import pylab pylab.rcParams['text.us
I am plotting two maps next to each other using subplot. However, now, the image is turning out like this: Is there any way to make the map part of the image
I would like to use the edge_gradient property on Graph Tool's gt.graph_draw() in order to better visualize the direction of connections in plots which are too
I have a plotWidget (self.widget0) from pyqtgraph on the pyqt GUI. I want to add 200 plots at this widget. What I can do is add each plot one by one: self.plot0
I found this example which sorta works... but it's not perfect. For starters it plots 10 at once but that's an easy fix. Problem is that it does not dynamically
I'm trying to return the maximum data value shown on a plot flowing navigation (e.g. pan or zoom). Currently ax.get_ylim(), returns the max value of the y axi
I've spent hours on trying to do what I thought was a simple task, which is to add labels onto an XY plot while using seaborn. Here's my code import seaborn a
Say I'm making a plot with five items, and only have room to create a legend with 3 columns (more columns than this would be too wide), e.g. import matplotlib.p
I have a data.frame with multiple time series vectors against a date:time vector. I would like to plot all of the relevant vectors, vertically stacked on separa
This is using base, where I can control the x and y axis range, where exactly the line should be drawn. plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$hp, ylim = c(0, 400), xlim = c(
I am attempting to accurately visualize some CFD data using Mayavi's flow function. I have six 100x100x100 arrays (X, Y, Z, U, V, W), pertaining to the positio
When I run my code all my graphs (both ggplot2 and plot) are displayed in an external "Quartz 2 [*]" graphical viewer. I would like them to be displayed in th
When I run my code all my graphs (both ggplot2 and plot) are displayed in an external "Quartz 2 [*]" graphical viewer. I would like them to be displayed in th
This is a slightly different but very similar question to How can i create a legend without a plot in r but differs in that I do not want to use the -pch- optio
I'm trying to draw a large mesh in Matlab using the trimesh function, with the z coordinate of the vertices controlling the color. Unfortunately, Matlab stops i
I can draw relative frequency histogram in R, using lattice package: a <- runif(100) library(lattice) histogram(a) I want to get the same graph in ggplot.
Solution: As suggested by user Andy in the comments, an update to the newest version of Octave (at the moment: octave-4.0.1-rc4) fixed the problem and the plot