Im trying to create a REST service using Gorm that on startup will drop the database tables from my Postgres DB and then create and populate them with test data
I have an Azure-managed PostgreSQL database. I want to create a logical replica of it at GCP, (Google-managed, if possible). At Azure, I've set the Azure replic
In Azure Database for PostgreSQL, how do I install a pgAgent? As, its a PaaS only, I will not have access to the Server. In that case, if I need a pgAgent to in
I've added GIN index to my db ALTER TABLE mtn_order ADD COLUMN textsearchable_index_col tsvector GENERATED ALWAYS AS (to_tsvector('english', coalesce(descr, ''
First day of postgreSQL- sorry if this is too basic, but couldn't find the answer on here. So basically I'm following a video tutorial, and have written exactly
I need to populate a new table in a second schema from an existing one, but having problems casting the "schema1.a.disclosure_level" column enum to the "schema2
I set up a regular Postgres DB in AWS using the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). I would like to ingest this data using data wrangler for inspection an
My code try to check is the PostgreSQL server running and accessible by given credentials for given database. Use the Npgsql NuGet. If all the data, also IP, P
i have a sample query template to accept dynamic parameters to execute: ps_conn = psycopg2.connect(...) ps_cursor = ps_conn.cursor() ps_cursor.execute(''' S
I've a problem where one API implemented in a django (3.2) web app running with gunicorn (gevent) has to fetch different prices from multiple APIs and store tho
I´m with an issue where hibernate generates the following query on an existing view. select count(proclistvw0_.proc_id) as col_0_0_ from proc_list_vw
I am building a self-contained data analytics project in Python. As the project needs to be scalable it requires a fairly solid pipeline of data processing and
I'm building a WinForms project in C# using a PostgreSQL database and the Npgsql framework. For inserting a record, I need to return the ID of the new record.
I am aware that I can connect to a pre-configured Digital Ocean PostgreSQL database cluster and that's what I'm actually connected to right now, but I'd like to
I want to use below query in TypeOrm but can't find a way to convert it to TypeOrm. Any help is appreciated. SELECT * FROM blocked_times bt LEFT JOIN LATERAL
I need to make a script that make a replacement of all the registers of a column that contains: '@xxxx', removing the single quotes. (xxxx could be empty or any
I am trying to use the R function from a R package ( directly in Postgres without
Below the Entity trying to persist : @Data @Entity @Table(name = "REQUEST") @TypeDef(name = "jsonb", typeClass = JsonBinaryType.class) public class Request { @
Suppose we have these two tables. TABLE1: |column_1 | ... | -------------------- | 'a' | ... | | 'b' | ... | | 'c' | ... | |
I have a native Query that return a list of objects, i need to pass an array as parameter to the function getAllUsers. @Repository public interface UserReposito