Category "postgresql"

SQL Some vertical to horizontal field names/values

What I've read here doesn't quite answer what I'm trying to do. That's why I'm posting a request here and I'm confident to learn what I can do on this subject.

Old problem PHP still not resolved. PDO pgsql is slower than pg functions

i fight with same issue as described here: Slow connection PHP PDO Postgres but not MySQL here's the thing - PDO Postgresql connections seem to be really slow

How to create ERD from Heroku PostgreSQL database?

I would like to create ERD from my Heroku PostgreSQL database? How can I generate ERD? Is there any external tool that will help with this? Can you use Dbeaver

Supabase: Filter data with join and logical 'OR'

I'm using Supabase as a database and trying to implement a full-text search. My example setup is quite simple, I have two tables: items +----+-----------+------

Spring boot docker container is running, but cannot access via localhost/browser

I have tried to search other questions, but the solutions arent cutting it. I have a java spring boot application running inside docker, using the command below

How to create ERD from Heroku PostgreSQL database?

I would like to create ERD from my Heroku PostgreSQL database? How can I generate ERD? Is there any external tool that will help with this? Can you use Dbeaver

Metabase Custom Column Casting from Text to Integer

How can I use Custom Column feature in Metabase to cast column from Text to Integer for sum calculation.

Pgadmin server is empty

I have recently installed PostgresSQL and my servers are just empty. I am sure I should have servers under servers and a database to play with but I have nothin

Expression {{current_username()}} is not being read properly by Superset row level security with Postgres

I have been trying to add Row Level Security to Superset and I have written this clause: when I hard code this clause in a select on the database it works as i

Prisma, update scalarList/array

I´m doing an Spotify clone and I´m trying to add a song to a playlist but my query doesn't work, until this point, everything was good following the

Enable logging in postgresql using docker-compose

I am using Postgres as a service in my docker-compose file. I want logging to log file to be enabled when I do docker-compose up. One way to enable logging is b

How to listen for new records in database with Sequelize?

I have a PostgreSQL database with Sequelize ORM and I want to listen for new entries. How should I do? Should I use Sequelize afterCreate hook? Can someone help

Store JSON array as TEXT array in INSERT INTO Postgres statement

Before, I had the following table schema. CREATE TABLE cities ( "city_id" BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, "city_name" TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, "employees_names"

Listing tables USED BY materialized view in PostgreSQL?

I've googled for it, both couldn't find an answer. How can I list tables used by materialized view (must not use the information_schema views) in PostgreSQL? Th

Postgresql argument placeholder in jsonpath expression

I try to pass argument $1 to jsonpath-expression: SELECT 1 FROM %s.orders AS O WHERE order_info @? '$.items[*] ? (@.ProductID == $1)' but it doesn't work. P

Postgresql database autoscaling in GCP

I have an app that spikes postgresql queries at morning 70% CPU usage, and has very few the rest of the day less than 20% usage. I want this machine to autoscal

Update a table with its relations in TypeOrm

We have: Postgres Database Photo: import {Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, ManyToOne} from "typeorm"; import {User} from "./User"; @Entity() export clas

NestJS app build with docker can't access postgres database in the same docker network: ECONNREFUSED

I want to run my app on my local machine within Docker. I don't want to optimize the size of my docker app or build it for production now. Docker builds my back

how to insert value for bit column of postgresql with jdbc

If the preparedStatement sql is fixed, how can I do the insert? table schema create table if not exists ttqs_a (b bit(1)); code try(PreparedStatement ps = conn

Postgresql failed to start. Reboot is resetting the permission given to /var/run/postgresql/

FATAL: could not create lock file "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.1111.lock": Permission denied psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused Is