Category "postscript"

Convert from a pdf byte[] to Postscript using Java

I am looking into creating PostScript file from a pdf as byte[], to send to printer. I've checked this post and the reply from Dustin seem to be somewhat simila

How can objects be grouped in postscript?

I made a picture in postscript, it is a collections of 6 squares. I would like to group this output as an object. yes, I know I can create a definition of a fun

Specifying printer tray via MediaPosition does not honor the paper tray settings

Working with a Konica Minolta, I am sending PostScript commands to it. Most of the time everything works correctly and I am able to switch trays using the Media

PDF commands - does the q - Q save the path?

My PDF file contains following commands: 1.0 0 0 -1.0 0 810.0 cm 1.0 0 0 1.0 0 0 cm 1.0 0 0 1.0 9.0 9.0 cm -9.0 -9.0 m 621.0 -9.0 l 621.0 801.0 l -9.0 801.0 l h

How can I add external fonts to ghostscript?

I have a folder( in my linux machine) which contains some font files(*.ttf fonts).I am trying to add these fonts to ghostscript while running gs command to con

Postscript: how to convert a integer to string?

In postscript , the cvs *operator* is said to convert a number to a string. How should I use it ? I tried : 100 100 moveto 3.14159 cvs show or 100 100 movet