Category "powerbi"

Power BI Show only MTD

I have a problem with the MTD column. I want this column to show only April '22 sales and not the previous months. For example, the sales for April '22 is 7379,

Calculate average across multiple columns in same row across entire table in Power BI

I would like to calculate the daily average weight gain per day for each row and add the answer in a a new column. The variable to calculate the average are

My pages in PBI report is opening on new tab when clicked but I want to restrict this behavior

I have created my application in REACT.js and I have embeded my PBI reports into my application. Whenever I am clicking on the button in my PBI report, I am be

R, Python or Excel. How can I count time range occurrences happening during other time ranges?

Say for example, I want to count how many people are in a room while others are in that room for each day. When that person leaves, I want an updated count of h

power bi: dynamic y-scale values based on data

I'm building a dashboard in power bi and I have a dataset with a few percentages. There are several categories of data, but only one category is shown at a time

Getting 400 bad request in Axios but in Postman status 200

I'm trying to request a Power BI API using axios. var configReportInfos = { method: 'get', url: `${process.env

Default slicer selection (latest date) in Power BI

My requirement is when a report will be opened in Power BI services by default, the latest date will be selected in a single select slicer. Consider in import m

Power BI UAT and Regression Testing approach

I am trying to come up with the right strategy on BI Testing (UAT/Regression). Below are the details. Appreciate if you could share you point of view please? Te

Hide Blank Columns in a Matrix Visualization or Show Measure Only for Total

I am relatively new to Power BI and have been asked to make some enhancements to an existing report The report is a listing of users with the corresponding num

Throttling settings for a new Graph API endpoint

Power BI (1st party) service will integrate with usageRigths graph API beta endpoint: GET /users/{userId}/usageRights. The API calls will use the existing permi

Tabular Editor - Set "Shared Expression" value from Tabular Editor CLI (with Azure Devops)

I need to change the value of a parameter in a TOM. I am using Azure Devops with steps that include Tabular Editor CLI. I have written a one-line script that sh

Difference between multiple dates in the same column based on category

I have the following problem .. I have this table: I want to create a calculated column that tells me the difference of days between two dates of the same c

Cannot connect Emissions Impact Dashboard to Azure

I am trying to connect my data to the Emissions Impact Dashboard in Power BI. I have an MCA/MPA Azure account and I am trying with a user having Global Admin ro

Excluding null Value from Top 5 Rank but Including in Total

So this is a one I have been cracking my head because I know there has to be a way. I have a Top 10 Country column ranked based on sales. Unfortunately in my da

Power BI: Order data by YearMonth in DAX

I would like to create a YearMonth column in Power BI and group data in this order in visual plot, say histogram. I tried to create a duplicate of the datetime

Power BI embedded report in Angular 7 code is not exported with visual filters applied

We have embedded Power BI report in Angular 7 code and when we try to export using Power BI provided service it is not exporting applied filters instead it down

SSAS TOM - how to access datasource for PowerBI model

I'm using TOM to interrogate and manipulate a PBIX file open in Power BI. The PBIX file uses a parameter to set the connection string to the sql database that

Hover Over Text in PowerBI

Wondering if there's a way to make a text bubble show up when the user hovers over a metric in a Power BI report. I have tried using alt text, but that does no

Visualization for comparing max,min and avg in power bi

I want to show comparing of these value in line chart : max-min and average(actual value) Assuming we have these three values without thinking to the data struc


Hello, people. As you guys can see on the table above, I´have more than one "seller" per "order_num" and it’s ok. But I need to SUM the "sku_qtd" w