I'm pretty new to Node, npm and webpack. I'm trying to set up a Craft 3 environment with Tailwind css. Everything worked fine out of the box, but when i run npm
For the following react code I get the following error: When I run ESLint using the --fix flag on my code base, I get an error that reads: ESLint: A space is r
I want to align the indentation to the equal sign when formatting my code. Is there any plugin or setup out there? Before: const React = require('react'); con
My react application is bootstrapped using CRA(react-scripts v4.0.0) and I want to add a code formatter (prettier to be specific) that must format the code befo
I use prettier in my VSC, so how to force prettier HTML formatting to format tags in one line, not multiple lines? I want to format something like this all in
I have eslint setup with Prettier formatter in vscode. there is this following original line, import MyCustomComponentsIsThis from 'queries/internal/consu
I added the rule: "newline-per-chained-call": [ "error", { "ignoreChainWithDepth": 2 } ] to my .eslintrc.json file. I Also extended "plugin
I'am tring to use Prettier with ESLint for TS. But it's fails with an error SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier, expected the token `)` (17:55) On line with
node: v16.7.0cdk: 2.0.0 (build 4b6ce31) package.json: "devDependencies": { "@types/jest": "^26.0.10", "@types/node": "10.17.27", "aws-cdk": "2.0.0
I need to enable .tpl files to be formatted like HTML by Prettier. I've found on GitHub this block of code who should do it : overrides: [ { files: '*.h
Correct format for a single declaration and what i prefer happen .lbl-vlt {background-color: var(--violet);} .lbl-emrld {background-color: var(--emerald
Prettier VS Code extension doesn't work properly with .vue. I mean how to setup prettier to integrate it with eslint and format .vue files on Cmd+Shift+P ->
Here is what is expected after formatting my file : export const StyledDiv = styled.div<StyledDivProps>` width: 56px; height: 30px; `; And this i
I use Prettier in JavaScript project with React. All my component props is formated in 1 line : <Icon icon="arrow-left" width={15} height={18} /> And i
So, I was wondering if it is possible to stop prettier from adding an extra tab for .then() {} statements after Promise.try or just simple return PromiseFn() .t
This one of my files that prettier didn't add any semicolons but format it well, function usercreate(name,score){ this.name = name this.score =
This one of my files that prettier didn't add any semicolons but format it well, function usercreate(name,score){ this.name = name this.score =
I just installed an extension prettier in vscode to autoformat my code. However all the comments in my code are being moved towards the left. Which I don't want
How to turn off the prettier trailing comma in VS Code? I go to settings. Select none for the prettier trailing comma. Restart VS Code. Select a piece of TypeS
I have not been able to configure prettier to format my html and js code only, I don't know what else to put in my configuration. The ID for the Prettier extens