Category "putty"

How to read each char sent by Putty at Java server?

After forcing off the "Local line editing" at Putty (Raw mode), all chars typed are sent to the server without the Enter (checked it with Wireshark). I have thi

Using pscp in C# for file transfer between Windows and Linux through a post request

I have been trying to transfer files through a C# code, but it doesn't seem to work. Although the following line in command prompt works fine. "C:\Program Files

Makefile error make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified

I am using a makefile in windows to push some files on a Unix server (here a text file "blob.txt" in the same folder of my makefile). My makefile script is: se

Vim incremental search

I'm using putty on a Linux machine. My usual method for searching in vi is entering the slash /, then my search string, enter, then go through all the matches b

Forward SQL Server ODBC over SSH via putty

I would like to access a Azure SQL database. It is accessible on port 1433. However, the firewall is blocking this request. Therefore, I wold like to tunnel my

How to create TCP tunnels with Pagekite

I am a complete beginner when it comes to networking and I am trying to set up a TCP tunnel on my machine using pagekite. I want to route all traffic from a TCP

Is it possible to restart the server using WinSCP?

I transferred the files from my local computer to the remote directory using WinSCP, but I'm curious if I can restart/reboot the server using the same applicati

convert .pem to .ppk on macos

There are lots of SO posts on this topic but most of them are for Windows and use the GUI. All others posts seem to use the CLI. Is there a GUI version of put