Category "pycrypto"

Python cryptography -- How to include X509 extensions for "Subject Key Identifier" and "Authority Key Identifier" in a self-signed cert?

I am using the "cryptography" module in Python to create self-signed certificates for testing. I followed the examples here "

How to install PyCrypto for Python 3.9?

My question is: how to install PyCrypto on windows and python 3.9? When I typed pip install pycrypto to the commandline(cmd or powershell) I get an Error. E

Pip error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required

I just ran the following command: pip install -U steem and the installation worked well until it failed to install pycrypto. Afterwards I did the pip install c

How do I use a X509 certificate with PyCrypto?

I want to encrypt some data in python with PyCrypto. However I get an error when using key = RSA.importKey(pubkey): RSA key format is not supported The key