Category "pyinstaller"

auto-py-to-exe | --onefile generate a new database

I have created a python script with auto-py-to-exe. When I generate a dir the database is inside and everything works fine, but if I generate onefile when execu

Import error when using pymeshlab and Pyinstaller

I am currently writing a program using pymeshlab, which I would like to deploy using pyinstaller. After I deployed the program, I tried to run it and got the fo

ModuleNotFoundError: pandas 1.3.5 with pyinstaller 4.10

I'm trying to compile a python script using pyinstaller and pyinstaller says " 10230 INFO: Building EXE from EXE-00.toc completed successfully" but when I execu

How to make a standalone installer for Python project which includes Python installation

I have a Python project which has following directories and files: PythonProject -> configs -> appconfig.json -> logs -> app

Standalone exe file Python without Python installed

I am trying to create executable file from Python script with os, tkiner, pandas and xlsxwriter packages. I used pyinstaller, but always get error that pandas i

Modules not found after running pyinstaller

I apologize now for the long post. I am working on converting a Hello World program from a Python file to a stand-alone, distributable executable file, using py

Can't find DLL with PyInstaller on one PC but can on another

Preamble I've built a Flask app (with Python, obviously) that interacts via ctypes with a DLL that I've coded in C. This works perfectly. Then I used PyInstall

Getting a Runtime Error in Executable made with pyinstaller

So I have made a game using Pygame, and now I want to make a executable out of it(standalone executable is preferred). So I used this to make the executable: py

`pyusb` fails to find `libusb` when using `pyinstaller`

Problem My application works well when in python-only and on my machine. I am attempting to deploy to a machine which has lesser privileges. The basic script t

I used pyinstaller to turn my .py file to a executable file, but it doesn't work

EDIT: I'm using the "random" library and the "os" library, could they be interfering with the file's execution? Good morning, I'm creating a hangman game that r

Convert Kivymd code to .exe (Windows executable)

I tried so much to convert kivymd code into .exe by using PyInstaller the error i getting was -modulenotfound no module named while solving

How to prevent Pyinstaller from extracting files in Temp

I am using an executable file generated with Pyinstaller from my Python script. Every time I open it, it creates a folder named (for example) _MEI12345 in \AppD

pyinstaller makes an empty black window of my tkinter gui

For a very simple example, consider the following code import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox class App: def __init__(self, parent):

PyWinAuto in exe (PyInstaller) on Citrix can't find window, from python itself works like a charm

I have a pywinauto application that triggers a search in Notepad (for testing purposes). This works excellent in a regular Windows enviroment. (both running dir

Pyinstaller - app without needed library on macOS

I've prepared python script (using pycharm in both OS, projects with venv, pyinstaller cpmmand run in pycharm terminal) which begins with 'import pandas' and wa

How to convert .py to .exe and run as a background function on windows while retaining args?

I'm looking to run a python script that calls commands through subprocess depending on various arguments that are given to it. For ease of use it would be valua

Why Is pyinstaller replacing my file directory?

edit: How To Use --add-data with an entire folder? Im converting my .py file to .exe using pyinstaller. but when i run it, it gives me this error: Failed To Ex

Creating universal build for mac os with pyinstaller and python3

I have two mac machines. One is intel based and running big sur and second is M1 and running big sur. I am trying to build a sample hello world package using py

Pyinstaller fails to import module __PyInstaller_hooks_0_IPython

I am building a project just for fun and I want to turn it into an exe but it gives me the error PyInstaller.exceptions.ImportErrorWhenRunningHook: Failed to im

PyInstaller with Python: 3.10.0b4 - ImportError: No module named _bootlocale

I have Beta 4 of Python 10 installed (which I must use because I need pattern matching feature only available in v3.10): C:\Users\myname\Documents\Projects\Proj