Category "pyyaml"

How can I keep the anchors and aliases as the are?

E.g. input file username: &username john password: &password xyz server: &servername host: server: *servername username: *username p

ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'PyYAML' resolved method

ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'PyYAML'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only

`pyyaml` can't parse `pydantic` object if `typing` module is used

Let me start off by saying I wanted to open an issue in pydantic repo. Once I started rubber duck debugging I came up to the conclusion it's actually pyyaml tha

Changing a value in a yaml file using Python

I have a .yaml file I want to update with Python code. Let's say it looks something like that: state: 'present' I'd like to have a code that changes the stat

yaml anchors definitions loading in PyYAML

I'm using PyYAML. Is there a way to define a YAML anchor in a way it won't be a part of the data structure loaded by yaml.load (I can remove "wifi_parm" from th

Input YAML config values into keyword arguments for Python

I'd like to have a YAML config file for certain analysis settings for my Python script. The YAML file looks something like this: settings: param1: 1 param2