Category "react-native"

Sanity documents not showing

Whenever i create a new document in sanity using 'createOrReplace'. It successfully creates the document, but however it doesn't show the newly created document

Moved from React Native Stylesheet to Styled components. How to add elevation when styled components do not recognize elevation as a property?

I have the following simple component that used React Native Stylesheet up until now, but right now I'm trying to move onto Styled components. I'm just a bit co

view config getter callback for component 'div' must be a function (received 'undefined'). Make sure to start component names with a capital letter

Error is: Invariant Violation: view config getter callback for component 'div' must be a function (received 'undefined'). Make sure to start component names wit

How to set always first screen of Stack Navigator inside Tab Navigator React Navigation 5

React Navigation 5 I've build a StackNavigator inside of a TabNavigator, and the navigation between home screen and other screens is working. But the problem i

React native app build success, but nothing displayed

I successfully run the react-native app and emulator also opended. I'm also getting emulator loading message too However After that it crashes and nothi

How to lock Orientation for a particular screen in ios in react native?

I want to lock the orientation of my camera screen. <Stack.Screen name="Camera" component={Camera} options={{ headerShown:false,orientation:'landscape'}}/>

Why use Context API when we can use a static variable?

I am getting start to study Context API of the React Native. I understand that the Context API is to solve the problem to send a lot of props in the parameters.

An API is being hit when <Doclist/> component is rendered through "userlist.js" ,but not when the same component is rendered through "newuser.js"

inside userlist.js the code looks like const renderItems = ({item}) => { if (item !== undefined) { const user = { image:'https://www.w3school

Implement Tab Screen in React Native

I'm facing a weird problem. In my react native app I have a return <Tab.Navigator> which contains <Tab.Screen>. The problem shown in the image is no

EXPO-AV cache of audio files -REACT NATIVE

I am using react native to develop an app. I am currently recording audio files with expo AV and then I am able to send this files to a server. I don't really w

Error thrown after ending the audio track / array of tracks in React Native Track Player

I'm using React Native Track Player in a React Native project and playing an array of music tracks. After ending the audio tracks, I'm getting the following err

Firebase authentication - refreshToken automatic refresh

I am developing a react-native application which will use firebase authentication, and I have some doubts about how refresh tokens should work. I am using the r

Weview doesn't shirnk when keyboard is appeared on IOS

Problem: The height of webview doesn't reduce when I open up the keyborad on IOS I used a KeyboardAvoidingView wrap my Webview like this <KeyboardAvoidingV

React Native: How to get upload speed and network signal strength?

I am currently tasked with developing an application that gives the user various information and details about his network connection using React Native. The ma

How to set inline style rule with eslint?

I create a React Native project the version is 0.62.2 I change eslintrc.js as below module.exports = { parser:'babel-eslint', env: { browser: true,

How to set the background color of Tab.Navigator?

As you can see below, I've tried many ways of setting the background color to green, all to no avail. The background remains blue like the image. The inactiveC

Sticky header on SectionList ReactNative

I need to create a screen Catalog(Categories and Products). I'm using SectionList from React Native in order to achive this. I need to make that Categories comp

Getting no response while using react-native-sqlite-storage ,

I am trying to execute update query but in response getting nothing. const editData = async (no) => { try { db.transaction((tx) => {

expo location permissions work on android, but not on iOS

I have a react-native app that uses expo. The location permissions work on android, but not on iOS. On a real iPhone (iOS version 14.4.2), it does nothing. On a

Getting error RCTBridge required dispatch_sync to load RNGestureHandlerModule. This may lead to deadlocks

I'm getting the same error as this issue However rather than RCTDevLoadingView mine is referring to RNGestureHandlerModule. Similar to the issue linked above, m