Category "react-router-v4"

Get an active route with react-router in ReactJs

I am creating a project using reactjs.In my application i am getting the active route using this: this.context.router.isActive but getting undefined, i am us

How to get data from prop.location.state in react?

I try to send data through history push like that. And then I try to get the value of id that I send. The problem is when the first time rendering of compon

React Router v4 routes not working

I am relatively new to reacts and I'm trying to figure out how to get React router to work. I've got a super simple test app that looks like this: import React

How preserve query string and hash fragment, in React-Router 4 <Switch><Redirect>?

If you have a <Redirect> inside a <Route>, you'll get a location and can do: <Redirect search={} hash={props.location.hash}

react-router-dom Link on click close bootstrap modal window

I need to close the modal window by clicking on the link. My modal window: export const ModalWrapper = (props) => { const { children, title, modalName }

React useEffect is not triggering on route change

I expect that console.log('Refresh') runs every time the route changes (switching from Component1 to Component2). But it's only triggering on first render. Why?

React Router with optional path parameter

I want to declare a path with an optional path parameter, hence when I add it the page to do something extra (e.g. fill some data): http://localhost/app/pat