Category "redis"

Sync AWS Elasticache(Redis) to MySQL Database Table

I am using AWS Elasicache(Redis) using PHP & MySQL for different caching purposes that are mentioned below Reducing the load on MySQL Session Handling Datab

Using multiprocessing pool from celery task raises exception

FOR THOSE READING THIS: I have decided to use RQ instead which doesn't fail when running code that uses the multiprocessing module. I suggest you use that. I a

How can I get results/failures for celery tasks from a redis backend when I don't store their their task-ID?

In my web-application I start backgrounds jobs with celery without storing their id. Some of the task are periodic and some are triggered by user-interaction. T

How to launch laravel-echo server on production?

My prod. stack: Vue.js CLI - Laravel API - I've already created a real-time chat using laravel-echo server & soc

Issues to fully delete a hash key in redis

i'm using Redis with Python and Django and i have some trouble with the delete of Redis. I create hash key to store multiple informations about a vehicule, but

Can I use Elasticache Memcached to store the events which the value has JSON object in key-value pair

I'm trying to push the events into the cache. The events contain a key-value pair. The key is a string and "Value" is a JSON object. Can I use memcached for thi

Redis performance on a multi core CPU

I am looking around redis to provide me an intermediate cache storage with a lot of computation around set operations like intersection and union. I have looke

Django model doesn't get saved to database inside Celery Task

I've hit a really nasty situation. I have the following setup. I have a django model representing an FSM with a django FSM field I have a celery task that sen

Authentication Principal is empty while using Spring Session Redis

I am building rest API using Spring Boot v1.3.3. API is secured by Spring Security. I have implemented custom user details service to have custom principal in a

Correct Way of using Redis Connection Pool in Python

How should two different modules and get a connection from a Redis connection pool? In other words, how should we structure the app? I believe th

In hiredis async, can event_base_dispatch(base) be called from a different thread?

This query is with respect to the example provided in hiredis Can event_base_dispatch(base) be called from a different thread by creating pthread_create()? It

nodejs terminates on redis failure

I am using Node.js, Express, Redis and When Redis is down, Node.js will terminate. How can I prevent this, probably somewhere to code reconnection o

Getting Error: connect ECONNREFUSED in docker-compose while connecting redis

I am getting connection Error: connect ECONNREFUSED while working with docker-compose to use Redis with node js. I used the same host name and s

Why Getting NoClassDefFound error for JedisConnection when using Spring Redis

Hello when trying to use spring-redis i am getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class

How to change spring session (redis) cookie name?

We have two projects behind same domain ( zuul proxy in front of them ), both uses spring session project with sessions kept in redis. Those two sessions shou

fakeredis between multiple django views

I have a test which involve multiple Django views It seems that the fakeredis isn't shared between multiple views I tried running the following code: import f

Unable to connect AWS Redis cache in .net C# - RedisConnectionException: 'No connection is active/available to service this operation

I have created AWS ElasticCache - redisCache in console. I want to access same from .net core/framework application - But unable to connect same. Config

ARQ: Multiple JOB worker in python

what's difference on arq:job:{job_id} and arq:in_progress:{job_id}

StackExchange.Redis: Get the count of channel subscriptions (i.e. PUBSUB NUMSUB)

is there a way to get the number of channel subscriptions to a specific Redis channel through the StackExchange.Redis library? When interacting with Redis direc

Spring cache and Spring data redis

Spring cache + Spring redis: Spring provides a caching abstraction package spring-boot-starter-cache which basically provides method level annotations to cache