Category "richtextbox"

Need help deleting rows/lines in richtextbox c# win forms

So essentially, I have a button, when I press the button, the button should delete the most recent row of text embedded into the rich text box. Press it again,

Copy selected text of a RichTextBox to the Clipboard with a Mouse Click

I have a RichTextBox(RTB) that obtains text from two sources a txt file and data from a SQLite DB. The RTB has ReadOnly property set to False. I am trying to NO

Synchronize the Scroll position of two Controls with different content

I use this simple code to set the position of two Scrollbars of different RichTextBox Controls, at same time. The trouble comes when the text of a RichTextBox i

react-suneditor css not loading on production

I set up react-suneditor just as it said in the docs, using dynamic loading since I'm using Next.js. import React from 'react'; import dynamic from "next/dynami

How to search a word in a RichTextBox having specific format?

I have a RichTextBox where the user will copy-paste from MS Word an MCQ quiz question. The correct choice would either be highlighted or with bold text (e.g. in

RichTextBox auto scroll to bottom when replacing a line

I'm using a richtexbox to put logs for an application of mine. I'm also using it as some sort of progress bar for a background worker. I'm not going to go in t

WPF Richtextbox Application.Find Text spanning Multiple runs

I'm trying to implement the Application.Find command for the WPF richtextbox. Let's say I'm searching for "expert". Sounds easy enough. But due to the nature o

How to color different words with different colors in a RichTextBox while a user is writing and raise an event when that colored text is clicked

When a user writes some words in a rich text box, if that word matches some specific word, than the color of the that word should automatically change. When th

Save rich text boxes as pdf files and send an email with attachments

I want to save rich text boxes as pdf files. Each time I save a file Adobe Reader can't open it. private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Sa

Hyperlink in WPF Richtextbox

I load WPF Richtextbox contents from Xaml string in which there are some Hyperlinks. When it is loaded into control, Hyperlinks are not clickable! I want to cli