Category "routes"

Flutter Nested Navigation Back Button handling on Android

Background I have a Navigator widget on my InitialPage and I am pushing two routes ontop of it (NestedFirstRoute and NestedSecondRoute). When I press the physic

React ERROR:TypeError: Cannot read property 'pathname' of undefined

This is my Menu component. I later import it in routes.js. I am getting this error. TypeError: Cannot read property 'pathname' of undefined After searching

Angular Ngoninit getting called everytime while routing

I have one component Details where the routes for other child components is there. What is happening is that when I route to any other child component then the

Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException Target class [app\Http\Controllers\FrontEnd\IndexController] does not exist

**Target class ** does not exist. ?? Why I didn't understand Error Is lluminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException Target class [app\Http\Control

Laravel 8 Admin controller don't work - in what problem?

I have this route: Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'namespace' => 'Admin', 'middleware' => ['web', 'auth']], function () {; Route::get('/', fun

cdk python transit gateway route table entry

Using cdk I'm trying to make a route table entry. The target I'm trying to add is a transit gateway. I'm using the Subnet construct and the add_route() method.

Can I redirect with wildcard in Azure Static Web App?

I'm trying to redirect API calls from my Static Web App to another Function App but I can't get wildcard to work. The route matches correctly but I want the * p

How to show id in Resource Routes url?

Update: This line of code in the frontend was the culprit: <inertia-link v-if="options.edit" :href="'/admin/gallery/edit/1'"> I had to change it to: <

EpisodeDetailsRouteArgs can not be null because it has a required parameter

I got EpisodeDetailsRouteArgs can not be null because it has a required parameter this error, even I passed the arguments. Here my inkwell widget: onTap: ()

Next.js nested dynamic folder routing

Update: Which it causing this error because of [category_slug]-index.js that getServerSideProps? I tried to do index.js under product folder, it works, mean it

Flutter Web Page Refresh and 404 Not Found Error

In the main method i used UrlStrategy package as seen in the below because i don't want # in my urls: void main() { setPathUrlStrategy(); runApp(const MyApp

bitrix d7 route parameters

I am working on project which is based on BITRIX D7 php framework. We have a need to combine several URLs into one by passing the desired part as a parameter in

Anchor in Blade Template Not Working laravel

I'm trying to figure out what the problem is. So, I use laravel blade templating for navbar section and I want to add route to my anchor (A href tag). After I p

How to stop the GET method is not supported for this route from showing?

I have a working Laravel project with loads of different routes. I'm currently testing it and one of my tests was to check if a user were to use a delete or pos

Is there any way to create the shortest path going through multiple (more than 2) different points using OSMNX?

I was wondering if there was a way to get the shortest path between an origin and a target, but with the path going through different points defined along the w

Get Angular Child routes from API

I want to get child routes from a database table. Can anyone please tell me how to call an api endpoint and bind the response to build child routes for a partic

using react router with next.js

I am learning how to use Next.js/React for my application. I am currently researching the topic of routing and I had a few questions. I know that you can use re

. Symbol Breaks Routing

Currently scratching my head as to why routing to one of my functions is failing. The route is defined via an attribute: [Route("emails/{emailAddress}")]

Can an OpenVPN Route over TEST-NET-1 (RFC 5735)

Background I have a strange use-case where my VPN cannot be on any of the private subnets, but, also cannot use a TAP interface. The machine will be moving thro

how to lazy load the children view by default?

I'm trying to make the view dynamic when using the loadchildren() property For example, I've got 3 components app.html : Hello App <router-outlet></ro