I'm relatively new to DJango and I am looking to add data to a many-to-many field using serializers from rest framework. My Model: class IngFamily(models.Mode
There are many posts about creating Jackson serializers for numbers, currency, etc. For engineering applications, there is often a need to set the precision on
i have my daily problem right now. i run an oracle virtual machine with npm on my terminal, and PARCEL bundler to compile my css. when i try to launch it to get
I'm working on a group project and we've run into a problem with the serialization part of our software. We have the class protocol: import java.io.Seria
I'm having a problem with django rest framework. My front is posting data to drf, and one of the fields could be null or an empty string "". # models.py class
I am serializing using Json.NET, but the resulting string ends up way too long, because it includes a ton of surplus info about the assembly that I have no use
I have following JSON string which is received from an external party. { "team":[ { "v1":"", "attributes":{ "eighty_min_
Is there a known way or a library that already has a helper for assessing whether an object is serializable in JavaScript? I tried the following but it doesn't
I have a model in which I have the following cast: protected $casts = [ 'formatted_criteria' => 'array' ]; It is stored in the database as a seriali
I'm trying to implement a simple serialization/deserialization method for my code to be able to pass an object over the network using MPI. In an ideal world I w
I am trying to create a Sidebar plugin that stores post meta to be used on the front end. Without getting into the unnecessary details, I need to store all the
I am faced with a problem that gives me this error: A circular reference has been detected when serializing the object of class "App\Entity\User" (configured l
I have this API public ActionResult AddDocument([FromBody]AddDocumentRequestModel documentRequestModel) { AddDocumentStatus documentState =
I'm not a c++ expert but I've serialized things a couple of times in the past. Unfortunately this time I'm trying to serialize a class which contains an std::st
How do I serialize an object into query-string format? I can't seem to find an answer on google. Thanks. Here is the object I will serialize as an example. pu
How can i parse this json without class in c#. I don't know what to use either an array or anything else. This is the json result i want to be parsed { "s
I have a doubt if it is possible to serialize a collection of BsonDocument results as a JSON pair of key objects. For example, I attach a piece of code that cre