Category "swap"

swapExactTokensForTokens ignore amountOutMin parameter

In the token swap I am receiving less amount of the output token than that indicated in the parameter "amountOutMin". This is expected, because the token that I

Learning Uniswap

I was watching the state of the WETH-DAI pool on Ropsten which was (10435607102899899961933, 422393388012675303130025) and its 0.3% fee. So its market maker k =

Is there a way to reorder a dataframe's column using a user defined list?

Hi there heroes! I'm currently working on a project where I have to process 2D arrays using pandas (numpy is out of question in the context for reasons I can't

Uniswap swapExactTokensForTokens is making the transaction but not swapping between the coins

I'm trying to implement a basic swap between 2 coins, using ethers, but without success. I get success: