Category "telegram"

python-telegram-bot stops working after 5 min

I have created a telegram bot that sends screenshots of the browser webpage. I have used python-selenium package in order to connect browser with telegram-bot b

How to make the bot send a random photo to aiogram?

I need to force the telegram bot on aiogram to send a random photo to the chat, how can I do this. Thanks in advance for your reply

unable to create web_app button aiogram

Good afternoon, an update has recently been released in telegram and added web_app buttons. leading to the "site" in the telegram itself, the documentation says

How can I send image with text using telegram bot API?

I'm trying to send a message to telegram using Telegram API bot. I want to make a GET request, that will send both text and image to my telegram channel. Now fe

Telegram Crypto Bot

I have a problem. I'm getting Crypto information from CoinGeckoAPI. Information is not sorted. So I sorted. When I'm running this file with print. It works. But

How can I hide bot from searching in Telegram?

How can I make my bot hidden for search and accessible only via direct link?

Avoid FloodWait in python

I am new to Pyrogram and I try to make subsctiption bot I want to send messages as soon as any satisfy my filters, but every time I send more than 3 messages in

How to create unit test for a Python Telegram Bot

I've built this Telegram Bot in Python, with python-telegram-bot. It's not so complex, but I want to do some regression tests to check if everything works fine

aiogram Why code has expired for different users with the same api_i and api_hash?

I working on python telegram bot that allow login telegram client using registered user and then do some actions using user credentials ... ... But I got the fo

How can I restrict a Telegram bot's use to some users only?

I'm programming a Telegram bot in python with the python-telegram-bot library for python3.x It's a bot for private use only (me and some relatives), so I would

socket.timeout on telegram bot.polling()

When I leave my program running for a few hours and then send a message to the bot it doesn't reply and after a while it generates the following error. Tracebac

How to use register_next_step_handler on AsyncTeleBot

Heyyy, I'm just using pyTelegramBotAPI and used the bot.register_next_step_handler to get a user input as a var and send it to the next function like: getLink =

telegram web app for bots object is not contain user data

I have created a web app for my bot and also integrated the telegram "web app Script" The code of my web app is show

Telegram bot api - multiple instances of same bot

I would like to make a telegram bot that sends error messages from a software. This software would run on 20 different pcs. Each log would be like this: "pc nam

Is it possible to use telegram bot inline button to get user live location?

I want to ask the user of the bot to share their live location using a message with two inline buttons (

Joining voice call without joining group using telethon, pytgcalls

Is it possible to join a voice call in a group, without joining the group? In Telegram client you can do it, but I couldn't figure out how to do it using teleth

MessageMediaUnsupported() instead of MessageMediaPoll() type when using Telethon

When I receive a message, my client waits until he receives a message that has media type = MessageMediaPoll(), it worked, but the bot has been updated and now

MessageMediaUnsupported() instead of MessageMediaPoll() type when using Telethon

When I receive a message, my client waits until he receives a message that has media type = MessageMediaPoll(), it worked, but the bot has been updated and now

See what link was used when new user joins to telegram channel

I am trying to make a telegram bot for accounting invite links. It is supposed to count how many times a certain link was used. I tried to get an invite link fr

How to fix SocketException while connecting to Telegram Bot API in Java App

I'm working on my Telegram bot. I know, in my countries Telegram is locked, so I decide to connect to Telegram Bot API through proxy. When I try to run this cod