Category "templates"

PasswordResetDoneView not using custom template in Django

PasswordResetDoneView.as_view is not loading custom template I'm using Django 2.2 version I have created a custom template and add the path to accounts app url

What does the "operator()..." syntax mean in C++?

I'm trying to understand the example of std::visit from cppreference, Where I saw the following line of code: template<class... Ts> struct overloaded : T

How to add pages like about,DCMA... in bottom of the Blogspot?

Like the screenshot from wordpress how to do that in Blogspot.

Can I use a WooCommerce function without any WooCommerce page?

I've WooCommerce installed on my WordPress site. After this, I've created a custom page template that has nothing to do with WooCommerce. Within this template,

How to add functions like generating random UUID in velocity template for request/response mapping in API gateway

I am creating a request mapping template for AWS API gateway. In that template I want to customize the request params based on certain conditions and apply oper

Grafana : unable to customize webhook with templates

I'm using Grafana v.8.3.4, with the unified alerting system enabled. I want to send a simple webhook-based alert. The alert fired correctly, but the body of the

'if' statement in jinja2 template

I'm trying to write an if statement in jinja template: {% for key in data %} {% if key is 'priority' %} <p>('Priority: ' + str(data[key])</

Why can I partially specialize but can't fully specialize member templates in C++?

IMO, C++ template rules seem too restrictive and compiler implementation defined. But here I have a specific behavior I've had a hard time wrapping my head arou

How to create a individual template for page or post in custom plugin?

I've have a template inside my plugins directory (quiz-template.php). I need to assign it to a page. I don't want to create template inside theme directory. Eve

Function Call in Expression Binding in OpenUI5/SAPUI5

Problem is to print out the current year by using expression binding that was introduced with 1.28. Expression Binding is capable of executing global accessibl

render html strings in flask templates [duplicate]

I'm building a web page to show articles. In my database, I have to attributes, one of which is used to put Markdown code and the other to s

C++ check inheritance at compile time

I have a base class template<typename T> class Base {}; and a few derived classes: class DerivedInt : public Base<int> {} class DerivedDummy :

Exporting class template with out-of-body definitions from DLL with MinGW-w64

I am facing trouble properly linking a trivial Windows executable to a trivial DLL with MinGW-w64 (based on GCC 11.3.0 from MSYS2) when class templates are invo

org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException: Incorrect result size: expected 1, actual 0

i'm this following error when i submit for copying data here is the code.. public String deleteExistingRecordWeekWise(String monthOrWeek) throws ApplicationExc

When does instantiation happens for explicit instantiation of a function template

Hi i am learning about explicit instantiation. And so reading different examples but in one example have some doubts. The example is given below and i have 2 do

JavaScript template engine - extract placeholder name from template

Is there any JavaScript template engine which lets you extract placeholder names? For example: const template = 'Hi {{ name }}!'; const compiledTemplate = Some

Load outlook email template (.oft) via win32com

I like to load an outlook email template (.oft) via win32com for automation. I like to do something along this lines: import win32com.client as win32 outlook =

Has the C++ standard committee considered templated namespaces?

Namespaces are in many was like classes with no constructors, no destructors, no inheritance, final, and only static methods and members. After all, this kind o

Why are unqualified names from nondependent base classes favored over template parameters

The C++ standard says that unqualified names from nondependent base classes are preferred over template parameters. What is the reasoning behind this? The follo

gtest - testing template class

I want to test a template class with gtest. I read about TYPED_TESTs in Google Test manual and looked at official example they reference, but still can't wrap m