Category "testcontainers"

How can I create container in azurite running from test container in java?

I am trying to test azure file upload using azurite docker image from test container below is code I am using for the same public class AzureContainer { pu

No broker/node available in test with Kafka in TestContainers

I am trying to create a bare-bones skeleton integration test for Kafka with TestContainers: just publish message to topic and check it arrives to it (entire set

Run ES docker image with custom port using testcontainers

I want to run a container tests that running ES image via Docker. After some research I found and they also have a built-it ES m

Running test with testcontainers as part of a Dockerfile

My dockerfile looks something like this: FROM maven:3-jdk-11-slim COPY pom.xml . COPY src src RUN mvn clean install That means that part of the build is the

Java Testcontainers - Cannot connect to exposed port

I implemented a POP3 server and client using javax.mail just to try doing integration testing with Docker. So I created two Docker images based on the openjdk:8

Running init script on oracle test container with system privileges

I am struggling with org.testcontainers:oracle-xe:1.14.3. I am trying to run a test intended to verify schema creation and migration, however I'm getting stuck

Test ignored and failing when running IT test in Spring Boot (MongoDB Test Container)

I am trying to run an IT test using a MongoDB test container. However, I get the following error when I run the test com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.Interna

AmazonsS3Client throws UnknownHostException if attempting to connect to a local service (MinIO)

In Short: Using AmazonS3Client to connect to a local instance of MinIO results in a UnknownHostException thrown because the url is resolved to http://{bucket_na

"message":"Head \"\": unauthorized: incorrect username or password" when run test

I have added testcontainer in spring boot app import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status; @SpringBootTest @Testcont

How to use postgres database when generate jooq by LiquibaseDatabase

There is pretty good guide how to use code generation from liquibase However by default it uses h2 database to create schema from migrations and then generate r