Category "text-to-speech"

How do I get started training a custom voice model with Mozilla TTS on Ubuntu 20.04?

I'd like to create a custom voice in Mozilla TTS using audio samples I have recorded but am not sure how to get started. The Mozilla TTS project has documentati

How do I outtput Azure cognitive services Text to speech (TTS) to MP3 file? Keep getting

I am using Azure Cognitive Services with text to speech (tts) in combination with PHP and Curl and while I am getting output, I am not getting anything usable a

How to set kate voice for ios en-GB. in flutter - flutter_tts pub

How to set kate voice for ios en-GB. I m doing the below code but it's doing Daniel's voice and I want to set kete voice for the same. Future setLanguage({Strin

Google Cloud Text-To-Speech Character counts

I am using Google Cloud TTS for a personal project and though there is almost negligible chance that it will hit 1M characters / month but I would like to know

UtteranceProgressListener does not return error message

I have a piece of code to synthesize speech. There is currently an error and I want to find out which. I have attached an UtteranceProgressListener to my TextT

setOnUtteranceProgressListener not at all working for Text To Speech for API > 21

I want setOnUtteranceProgressListener should notify a Toast after the speech is completed.It seems not working. I have used setOnUtteranceProgressListener and o

UtteranceProgressListener not called

I'm trying to take some action after a TextToSpeech object in my Android app finishes speaking a sentence, but my UtteranceProgressListener.onDone() method is n

UtteranceProgressListener not called

I'm trying to take some action after a TextToSpeech object in my Android app finishes speaking a sentence, but my UtteranceProgressListener.onDone() method is n

Error on text-to-speech api : ReferenceError: speechSynthesis is not defined

I'm making a program in quasar framework (who works on vue and can be compiled on mobile by cordova). And i'm having some issues to run it on mobile. here's the

How to get a list of available voices for Azure Text To Speech?

Is there a way to programatically list the available voices in Azure Text To Speech? I've searched extensively and found this page

Spectrogram image to Audio

I want to write a python script which takes the input as the image of the spectrogram and generates the audio from it. Is there a way to convert the image of sp

Windows 10 TTS voices not showing up?

I installed a few English language packs (US, UK and Canada) with their Speech options and I can access them in Windows 10 setting -> Speech but they doesn't

Attribute Error when importing SpeechClient from

I am trying to use Google cloud platform to transcript audio to text. I am stuck really at the beginning. When I try to import : import os from imp

Google Cloud TTS API for M1 Mac

If I run Google TTS API Python sample code in M1 mac, below error message shown. Can I use Google Cloud TTS API in M1 mac or not? ImportError: dlopen(/Library/F