I recently built a simple music app that does fine on my deactivated iPhone. I have since bought a Mac mini so I could run it natively on that platform with Mac
The problem I'm using a UITableView to show the list of transactions of a credit card. If the transaction is a chargeback, I'm adding a strikethrough style to
I need to animate the change of the value of a UILabel and a UIButton's image property. I currently use two UIView.transition blocks which seem to work fine, bu
TLDR; I want to get locations outside the main thread using a different function but I am receiving delays. In details: I'm performing a GET request. later on I
The goal is to get a UILabel integrated via UIViewRepresentable to size the same way Text does - use the available width and wrap to multiple lines to fit all t
I'd like to append an NSTextAttachment image to my attributed string and have it centered vertically. I've used the following code to create my string: NSMuta
I have a UILabel with Text inside it called : self.textLabel; Now, I noticed that whenever I added an accented letter like Ä Ö Ü, then I get
I would like to make a UILabel clickable. I have tried this, but it doesn't work: class DetailViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var tripD
I have a UILabel and in some cases the text is longer then the UILabel itself, so I see the text as "bla bla bla..." I want to add a ...Read More button text at
How to underline a UILabel in Swift? I searched the Objective-C ones but couldn't quite get them to work in Swift.
How to force UILabel to draw a text with upper case chars?