Category "unity3d"

ScrollRect does not correctly update the position when clamping the normalized position, after removing/deactivating a child element from the content

This is an issue that I had to resolve myself after finding no solutions for it. The issue was that after removing a GameObject element from the ScrollRect's c

NetworkServer is not active. Cannot spawn objects without an active server in Unity 3D

I am trying to implement a multiplayer feature in Unity3d. Its like a snake game, snake eats food and generate its part. I can successfully generate food and pa

How to cut a mesh by plane in Unity3d

I want to cut meshes by plane. try this code, but get only one of parts of cutting mesh. Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 public void SliceIt() { Vector3[] vertice

How to get Direction after cueBall collide with any ball in unity3d? Like in 8 ball pool

Hi! i am making something like 8 ball pool in 3d with unity 3d C#. A is que ball and I know Dir1. I want to calculate Dir2.I am using Raycast to i can get poin

Unity Editor - stuck at building native binary with IL2CPP

I have an Unity project and planning to embed it in Android studio as a library. I followed

Why the sound effect does not work in unity

Why the sound effect does not work in unity? when I try to add a sound effect, it doesn't work This is my script to move to the next scene using buttons: us

Why the sound effect does not work in unity

Why the sound effect does not work in unity? when I try to add a sound effect, it doesn't work This is my script to move to the next scene using buttons: us

Unity Can I use yield return new WaitUntil(() => GameObject.Find("xx")) in IEnumerator Start()?

I want to stop the Code in my Script until it finds a GameObject and then continue. I tried it in my Start Method with the following Code : yield return new

How to limit angles in (-180,180) range just like Unity3D inspector

I want to get rotation of Camera gameobject attached to Char gameobject EDIT: Char rotation, pos, scale is 0,0,0 I have following code: (Script is on the Ch

How do I get a Unity Scroll Rect to scroll to the bottom after the content's Rect Transform is updated by a Content Size Fitter?

I have a vertical scroll view that I want to add content to dynamically. In order to do this I've attached a Content Size Fitter component and a Vertical Layout

How to scale a Bezier Curves t value while keeping its initial and final derivatives the same?

there are a lot of answers for scaling a bezier curve's position, but i want to scale its t value. I have found a solution for this, but the problem is once i s

Access Unity Log Stacktrace when highlighting a Log?

When I select any item from the console Log, is there any way to get access to the information is displaying? I'm interested in accessing the information as a s

Unity3D Getting position of OVRCameraRig

I want to attach an object to the OVRCameraRig and then use its position, which is offset from the rig. However, my object is always static, irrespective of wh

I want to create AR app in UNITY the uses GPS, but the sensor is jumpy

On one hand i have the image-based AR that Unity provides me, which is amazing in making things seem as if they are actually around my in the real world. Proble

GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: Framebuffer is not complete or incompatible with command

i have made a 360 image viewer on unity and i am changing image texture dynamically using c# script , so its work fine on PC unity but when i run it on android

Signin error about twitter and unity in Firebase

Already found the reason: You currently have Essential access which includes access to Twitter API v2 endpoints only. If you need access to this endpoint, you&r

How do I enable touch keyboard in Unity VR?

I have a question if you can answer me it will delight me. How do you enable the touch screen keyboard? Is it inside the XR Interaction Toolkit? I have no clue

IsPointerOverGameObject always returns false for touch

IsPointerOverGameObject always returns false for touch. I have tried all solutions that I could find. It works perfectly in Editor - clicks are blocked from fa

How to change the way Elements are added in a Unity Grid Layout Group?

When I add an Element, for instance an image, to my Grid Layout Group, but the row is already full, a new row gets created. But the Grid is extended in the wron

Controlling the Speed of the Car

I have been trying to control the speed of the car in Unity4. I am providing the code details below. Do I need to upgrade the code? As because when the brake(sp