Category "unity3d"

Subscriber don't receive delegate

Sorry if I bother again with a silly delegates-related question... I'll try to be as precise as possible. I have this situation: Object A + Script A, Object B,D

Grid show in game in Unity2D

When i press "Play" button in Unity2D i can see "grid" that should be invisible in game. I use build in tiledmap option in Unity 2D. This "grid" looks like spac

How do I know if a Coroutine is still "waiting"? [closed]

All I can find online is "How to check if a coroutine is running", which is not what I want. Say if I have a coroutine with yield return new W

Unity navMeshAgent not working on terrain

The Unity Navmeshagent is not working !on terrain!. I'm very kinda new to unity and need help with the navmesh agent. It's baking fine just that the entity or s

Creating an app variant in a firebase unity project

I have en existing app (e.g in Unity, that occasionally pulls content from firebase in the live environment (after being built). Now I am

Way to stop the navmesh obstacle avoidance pushing other agents around when they bump into each other

I am using Unity's navmesh system to make an RTS game with tanks. When the tanks get close to each other, the avoidance system kicks in and they try to get out

how to slove PlayGamesClientConfiguration unity

error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'PlayGamesClientConfiguration' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) how to

Sockets in Unity

I'm working on a project that requires me to connect to an outside server from my oculus app, I want to do this via pushing a button. I have pretty limited C# k

Deployment from unity to Hololens 2 giving error DEP6957

Goal: Deploying an application from Unity to Hololens 2 Problem: Yesterday every deployment i did worked correctly. But today when i tried to deploy a new versi

Azure Kinect DK, Body tracking: Mapping separate avatars on separate skeletons

To recreate my issue, I've setup a project in Unity3d 2020, using this sample project. Here I can successfully map an avatar to a single skeleton. In my project

Unity Android App Bundle Builds sometimes have double size

We are using Google's App Delivery package in our game to escape APK download size limit. First a few builds were completely fine. But later, our download sizes

Unity: Convert Vector2 to Vector2Int

I have a Vector2 and I want to convert it into a Vector2Int. I know I could convert the Vector2 with something like this: Vector2 v2 = new Vector2(10, 10); Vec

How to change the morphTime at runtime?

I copied the whole switch/case part to the Update to be able to change the modes also at runtime. but I want also to be able to change the morphTime at runtime

Firebase storage requires twice during upload

I found that storage requires twice during uploading a single file Like this: Uploading : 0 out of 19160 Uploading : 19160 out of 19160 Uploading : 19160 out of

trying to make an enemy shoot a projectile at the player when the player enters the enemys range

for some reason the projectile is fired but only when the enemy comes into contact with the player and very slowly for some reason. below is my code. (there i

unity animation trigger inspection

When setting a trigger in unity animator, and the state machine is not in a state where it can invoke the trigger, the trigger is "charged" and will set off the

After updating to unity 2021.1.13.f1 isNetworkError and isHttpError is already obselete

if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) { Debug.Log(www.error); } Does anyone know how to replace this code properly to the upda

'Image' does not contain a definition for 'color' on Unity

Can't use Color on Image component. Looked for solution but no luck. How can i use color on Image? Here is the sample code that should work public void Locke

The prefab asset from the assetstore is not imported correctly (3d model with animation)

I am importing a purchased asset from an assetstore. Animated cat model. However, all prefabs are assembled incorrectly at once, the components are not in the

Unity3d - Trying to change color of Material via C#

I've looked all over for a solution for this and it seems simple enough but I don't understand why I can't change the property of one of the materials located o