I'm using a character controller for my player movement. I had walking and running working, but I couldn't get the jumping to work. Here is my code: [SerializeF
I have set up a test project in order to test Firebase with unity webGL builds. I have created a *.jslib plugin to keep my js functions in there : mergeInto(Lib
I'm creating a pool game. And I want to shoot Raycast on the reflect direction so I can draw LineRenderer on it. Main Cue Ball Script: using System.Collect
So, I want to make it so the player loses control when it collides with an enemy. I already got a thing set up to make the player fly off towards the direction
I am a first time programmer watching a tutorial on making a 2d, top-down game. My goal for this specific section of code is just to make the player walk around
I never got real answer for this. I open this new empty project (total blank but with one GameObject) I ended up getting 2500FPS, alright? Makes sense. The mom
I am working on a game and i have a script to save the stats for characters. The same script is used for hero and for the enemies. There are actually 2 scripts
I am in the process of building a sub-part of a native application, namely a Unity application that runs as a child of a different application written in a comp
In my flutter app , admob ads are already showing , I want to show unity ads via admob mediation. How to setup unity ads in flutter app via admob mediation?
Im having issues with PlayFab, What im trying to do is have the wave number recorded and sent off to the leaderboard when the game is over but I dont know how t
I'm trying to set up a HttpListener for a Server Manager for my Multiplayer Unity Game but I am getting an exception when executing the following code: using Sy
please tell me how to make the player control was not tied to the finger, but for example to drive in any part of the screen and the player will move from the p
I'm working on photon game where I have to show the player name over their everything is working fine but there's an issue , when you create a room and join it
I have following Code to rotate player around horizontal axis float h = mouseHorizontalSpeed * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); transform.Rotate(0, h, 0); speed is 4.
I'm looking into learning to use Unity, so I've downloaded the Unity Hub as it seems to be the way Unity is forcing us to download their versions from now on. T
I am developing a game for mobile and can't create a normal save system because when playing on the phone the error is logged: Could not find the file. I use th
Using Unity 2017.4.34f1 (LTS) with IL2CPP with NDK r13b, I try to export my Unity Project to Android Project (Build Process). Note: I'm using IL2CPP because Goo
im having some troubles building an app in xcode but the build in Unity to android works just fine. I have searched all over and none of the other solutions hel
This question have been asked before but I am looking for solution for Unity platform. I tried to export project , had it opened on Android Studio but Gradle sy
How to Match a reference point in 2 different AR scenes by position and rotation? Here are some details about my project: I have 2 scenes: "new scan" and "load