Category "unity3d"

Photonview.owner.nickname not working properly for Clients

I'm working on photon game where I have to show the player name over their everything is working fine but there's an issue , when you create a room and join it

UNITY - Mouse rotating player is completely free in Unity Editor, but in webGL build, mouse rotates only till edge of screen

I have following Code to rotate player around horizontal axis float h = mouseHorizontalSpeed * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); transform.Rotate(0, h, 0); speed is 4.

Unable to install any Unity version from Unity Hub

I'm looking into learning to use Unity, so I've downloaded the Unity Hub as it seems to be the way Unity is forcing us to download their versions from now on. T

Json file was not found in Android

I am developing a game for mobile and can't create a normal save system because when playing on the phone the error is logged: Could not find the file. I use th

Unity Build - Exception: il2cpp.exe did not run properly

Using Unity 2017.4.34f1 (LTS) with IL2CPP with NDK r13b, I try to export my Unity Project to Android Project (Build Process). Note: I'm using IL2CPP because Goo

Error with firebase while building on Xcode for iOS

im having some troubles building an app in xcode but the build in Unity to android works just fine. I have searched all over and none of the other solutions hel

Error on Unity Android Build - Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 6.0

This question have been asked before but I am looking for solution for Unity platform. I tried to export project , had it opened on Android Studio but Gradle sy

Unity AR Rotate Scene to match reference point

How to Match a reference point in 2 different AR scenes by position and rotation? Here are some details about my project: I have 2 scenes: "new scan" and "load

IntelliSense doesn't show Unity hints

So I'm new to Unity and I'm watching a few tutorials to learn the basics. Something that got my attention is that in the videos they have an autocomplete and wh

Unity freezes at IndexOutOfRangeException, even though I continue

I have this "Game" class that gets instantiated at Start and sets up the field for Minesweeper and in this process I count the adjacent Mines for each field. us

Is it possible to access/downlad glb or gltf models from Decentraland?

I have created a dummy scene using dcl init & dcl start and imported a few models from one of their github repositories. I created a small script which crea

The connection to service named was invalidated on xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies

I am using fastlane to build my unity iphone application. It worked perfectly until all of a sudden i started getting the following error/warning during build:

How to fix that shining buttons issue after compiling in Unity Canvas

I'm using some simple buttons in canvas in a 2D game, there is no light or i don't do anything via code for brightness of button. Buttons are shows normally in

How to add spacing between Shader Graph sprites

I'm using a shader to render movement along a line. How to make a line have more spacing between sprites Shader Line Screenshot

Perlin noise and negative coordinates

I am working with Perlin Noise and coordinates and want to know how to handle negative coordinates in order to make it not symmetric. Example image of my Perli

How to fix ''Gradle Build Failed'' on Unity?

I'm trying to build my android app for a while and can't seem to find any solution for this problem: Image Unity Version: Unity 2020.3.21f1 (64-bit) JDK, SDK, N

Chrome Extension: Refused to load the script, because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'"

I'm trying to add a game to Chrome Web Store as an extension, but I'm having some problems with it. The game is made in Unity3D. The Error: Refused to load the

Score in Unity game only increases by 1 and then stops

I am trying to create a score in unity where if you collect coins (in my case shells) the score goes up by 1 each time, however, the score increases by 1 and th

Certain objects in unity 2d cinemachine target group camera offsetted

Im making a star wars game for fun, im using cinemachine to have a target group camera to get the camera between the 2 players and sized appropiatly. The player

Unity Oculus Quest 2 Integration package stuck at Application.Reload on every second play

I bought oculus quest 2 recently and using unity, i am trying to make games with it, but when i downloaded Oculus Integration, and walked through Getting starte