Category "unity3d"

Unity ARCORE DllNotFoundException: arcore_unity_api

I tried to export the project from Unity and then export it as a library from Android Studio but when I import that library into another project I get that erro

How to fire bullets in Unity 2D?

I'm currently working on a platform 2D game. So far made like 2 levels and I'm currently working on a boss level. I used a free model blue Sci-Fi type of gun, a

I have a Unity WebGL game uploaded. Is it possible to manually create a persistent directory in /idbfs inside IndexedDB?

In the Unity project, I attached a script in an empty game object, and the code is demonstrated below: Is it possible to create a persistent directory myself? p

how to find a position of an Object from World Space and convert to Canvas UI with render mode : Screen Space - Camera in Unity 2d?

I am working in a Game which is pretty similar to Mario. So when player touches the coin object in World Space, I need to animate by moving that coin object to

Cannot use PhotoCapture by importing 'UnityEngine.Windows.WebCam' by can access UnityEngine.Windows.WebCam.PhotoCapture in Unity

I'm using Unity 2019.4.26f1 (I'm working on a legacy project for my company) and I'm trying to capture images from a Hololens 2 using this official Unity tutori

Character Controller vs RigidBody for FPS

This is a pretty simple question, but I have not been able to find a definitive answer. I was wondering for a first-person-shooter game should I use a character

unity - oculus quest - how to read thumbstick input

I'm working on projects for oculus quest using Unity 2019.3. I have done some work in this before, but I am up against a bit for which I am having trouble findi

Unity WebGL unsupported MIME type

I'm starting a new blank project for webgl. I'm using Unity 2020.3.26f1 (LTS). When I launch the project on my wamp server I get this error: wasm streaming comp

Unity Sceneview quality worse than Gameview

So, basically I am trying to use URP for my project right now. However, i just noticed that the Scene View quality is rendering worse than Game View. I tryied t

Particles are in front of UI elements in unity

So all i'm looking for is simple. I want the UI elements such as Buttons/Logo/..etc to be in front any particle effects in the Canvas. In the answer Here som

How to correctly inherit Unity's callback functions like Awake(), Start() and Update and FixedUpdate()?

I've created a parent class that I expect to have all functions related to testing if the GameObject is grounded, in water, on air, etc... given that this funct

Unity forcing physics engine to check collisions

I am creating a game in unity where the player can drag one object (a card) over another (an enemy). If they drag the card over the enemy I want to run some cod

Unity Take and Throw Ball

I'm try to make Basketball hoops, I can throw ball one time, I reset game but I can not throw ball again , I don't like to reset scene. GameController is a empt

Sharing screenshot with text to facebook unity

I'm trying to give the user the possibility to post a screenshot of his game on facebook with the dowload link of the game. I've looked a bit and it seemed it w

How to change game object Material in Unity?

How can I do if cube1 collision cube2, cube1 material = yesil ? I'm new in Unity and English speaking sorry about that :)

Unity3D Player walking through and on the Stone

Hello guys my Player is walking on the Stone and through the Stone. The Player called Champ has a Box Collider and the Stone has a Mesh Collider. Also the Playe

Shake an object back and forth with easing at the end?

I almost want a jarring animation, such that it shakes back and forth rapidly for a second, and then slows back down, easing back into its normal position. Ther

How to make charArray that doesn't separate diacritics?

I'm trying to separate a Hebrew word into letters in C#, but ToCharArray() separates the diacritics as if they're separate letters (which they're not). I'm fine

From Unity android app open setting panel within custom canvas view

I would like to open Unity Android application from the setting panel within the custom canvas view. Can I get a code snippet to bring it within canvas view rat

C# Process.Start() not starting despite file existing and setting working directory

Question update I'm trying to use a C# script in Unity to call a python program. After following these two links: How do I run a Python script from C#? Proc