So I have an image processing algorithm doing crack detection written in Python and I want to have this work on the Hololens (in Unity). I don't have any experi
I followed a tutorial to draw a line using mouse position, the line will be drawn inside the canvas. But when running it, the line didn't drawn! and it gives me
I'm currently trying to implement a location-based AR app for Android using Unity C# and ARCore. I have managed to implement an algorithm which gets latitude/lo
I have this code: private Transform player; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { player = Object.FindObjectOfType<PlayerIdenti
Summarized question Does unrolling a loop affect the accuracy of the computations performed within the loop? And if so, why? Elaboration and background I am wri
Do someone know how to fix this? I got this error after importing Cinemachine from the Unity Asset Store. I'm using Unity 2018.1.0f2 and have no problems with 2
Is there a way to cast a gameObject as an instance of a monobehavior class? The gameobject has a script component linked with that very class. I have an instanc
I want to export my model from Blender (3.1) to Unity (2021.2). I did some animations but i removed them because i want to create new ones. When exporting to Un
I am trying to built a multiplayer card game with max 4 players and I am very new to Multiplayer Games. Idea is there is a "Deal Card" button, when a player cli
I'm working on a project with a friend, we are using git for version control. They created the unity project and I pulled it to my computer as well. Every time
I have developed an iOS/ARKit app that functions as a content editor for my AR game. It has a fair amount of interface that I don't want to port over to Unity,
I'm currently experimenting with the Mapbox Unity plugin and I need to remove the water tiles from the generated terrain to use a custom water solution. I've re
Is there any performance concern around calling MyAlreadyActiveGameObject.SetActive(true) a ton, e.g., once per frame? Put another way, is it ever worth pullin
I made a archive of Unity for New 3DS, trying to use it myself tho it appears to give these errors even tho i have IL2CPP installed SETUP: Unity - 5.6.5f1 (New3
I used the latest version of the AdMob plugin & unity Mediation plugin. but I still get this error, How do I solve the "Undefined symbols for architecture a
If I want to make my UI gameobjects stay the same size and position on all devices when I use UGUI in Unity3D, I simply set UI Scale Mode to Scale with Screen S
In my Unity 2D game, I have a character with a lightsource component 'Light 2D(Script)' from the Lightweight RP package. I want to change the intensity of the
I’ve created a script that should spawn enemies in some time, and it works perfectly. However, for some reason it shows errors, even then it spawns enemie
I'm using unity 2019.2.0f1 with the integrating jdk-sdk and ndk recommended by unity to build a game for android platform first i build successfully my project
For some reason, my player character shakes up and down when the platform moves up and down, which prevents the player from jumping because the player is not gr