Category "user-experience"

Elegant way to saturate cross-filters values

Having filters sets for excluding/including entities according selected filtering categories, something like left-side on Booking/Ebay/etc: Filter works in fol

Find and redirect to appropriate email client based on email address

I want to add a confirm email address link similar to what trello does. Based on which email client you use I want to redirect user to appropriate url. For exam

Wave VS pulse animation in skeleton components in web-sites design

I was wondering when should I use wave animation and pulse animation? Is there any recommendations on when to use them in ux design? I prefer wave myself but

How to fix React Apex Chart initial mount delay?

I am using React Apex chart library in my project.I've figured that the library charts have a small delay before rendering on initial mount. This issue harms th

Plugin for automatic welcome mail on wordpress

I would like to know if there's a plugin on wordpress to send welcome mail without asking permissions to the users like he just sign in and he receive the welco