Category "valgrind"

Program behaves different when running with Valgrind

I have a problem debugging my application with Valgrind (memcheck). It behaves differently than when I run it standalone. There is a place in the code where it

Valgrind shows question marks

I have compiled a program using Code::Blocks. I have turned on "produce debugging symbols" under the "Debug" target, and also turned off "strip all symbols..."

What happens if I set a value outside of the memory allocated with calloc?

Consider the following: int* x = calloc(3,sizeof(int)); x[3] = 100; which is located inside of a function. I get no error when I compile and run the progra

Valgrind output

I have installed Valgrind on a Linux system and make this call: valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --log-file=valgrindLog/%p --trace-children=yes --xml=

Decoding output from Valgrind

I'm trying to understand the output from Valgrind having executed it as follows: valgrind --leak-check=yes "someprogram" The output is here: ==30347== ==30347=