Category "vba"

ActiveSheet.Paste Error on protected sheet

I have 2 worksheets (Input & Record), I just want to copy some data from "Input" to "Record", it worked but if I protect "Record".... Paste method of Worksh

Add new row, increment last digit in alphanumerial string from cell below

New in VBA, did tried different examples available on the web but can't make it work as my string only increment by 1 & subsequent executions, the string st

Masking Password in VBA Excel Input Box

Could someone please help me to mask the password entered to the input box generated using the below code. I will be using Office 365 ProPlus. Option Explicit P

How to get first names & last names of recipients of Outlook meeting invite?

I have a script to iterate through my calendar events that day and produce in a separate email a list in the following format: Event 1: Subject: When: Attendees

Two different error handlers in one procedure

I have two separate error handlers. Both look for if two separate workbooks are open. Sub ErrHandler() wbsource_name=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range

Set table column widths in Word macro VBA

1. What I'm Trying To Do I have a folder with 84 Word documents (.docx). Every document contains a table of identical layout (some of the documents span across

Get files from Sharepoint / Onedrive via VBA

The code below uses FSO to read a file containing information such as version, date and file path on a local network, and download a file according to local fil

How to Group by Date Field in a PivotTable using win32com.client

I tried many approaches from last few hours but no luck. Somebody please help me. group_dt = pt.PivotFields('Created') group_dt.LabelRange.Group(Start=True, End

How to get the smtp email address located on the left of the "on behalf of" address

I would like to get the email address from the true contact that is sending the mailItem. I don't want the on behalf email address. Is there a way to do that? O

Edit 14 day weather forecast Excel VBA to include precipitation

I found the code below which works nicely and I think I can repurpose it for my needs, but does not include the precipitation. I'm relatively new to HTML so hav

Store name of email attachment - gives error on first run but works on second run

I'm attempting to open a dot .eml file stored locally and access the attachments file name with a excel macro. I've gathered some code that does the job but not

Sending mail with specific range in body using Excel VBA

I have VBA code by which I send mails with specific string body. I need this code to paste specific range(B2:F13) from sheet "MAIN" to mail body with its format

Change the background color of a whole table line based on a drop down list selection - conditional formatting

In my table (Range("A3:K9999")) there's one column E (E3:E9999), which contains drop down lists. My goal is to have the bg color changed in the whole table line

Setting Metadata in Word and Retrieving in Excel

I'm trying to write a program that updates a Word document's metadata with content control boxes. The Excel document then loops through a directory that holds t

How to find out the current group level of a range in excel for web using office-script

I am trying to find out how to identify the current group level of a range in office-script. Based on the documentation I was only able to find the group or ung

Is there a way to check if a PowerPoint is being presented using VBA code?

I am working on a VBA Module for an interactive PowerPoint. Specifically, I would like a text box to display the current time and update every second (like a li

Selenium on VBA can't find Xpath

I'm trying to find the Xpath for this HTMLcode: (Copied XPATH) /html/body/hub-menu//section-header//hubmenu-wrapper/div/search-customers//input [Picture af the

Error saving attachments when they are embedded

I'm saving Outlook attachments (as part of a copy). I get an error message from the line objAtt.SaveAsFile strFile when the attachment is an embedded image. T

How to round oMail.ReceivedTime to nearest minute?

I've a VBA macro that will save an email with the file name "yymmdd.hhmm.[Sender].[Recipient].[Subject Line].txt" that works almost the way I want. The issue is

VBA Run two Commands at once together Beep Command

I have made a program that generates frequencies using the Beep statement. For example: Beep(Val(FreqTestTxt.Text), Val(DurLbl.Text) * 1000) What I need to do t