I am working on a proxmox VM using standalone NoVNC window in fullscreen. Here the ESCAPE key is mapped to leave the fullscreen mode. The problem: I am using a
Recently I've been using netrw. I've put these four lines on my .vimrc: let g:netrw_banner = 0 let g:netrw_liststyle = 3 let g:netrw_winsize = 25 map <C-n
I would like to generate, with VIM, pretty HTML code of code snippet (C, python or others). Right now, I know only the command under VIM ":TOhtml" but the res
I has suffered while customizing my vim editor. Specifically, I add function which store cursor location. Below is my .vimrc file. au BufReadP
Vim. Regex. How do I match this > and this <.
I'm trying to set up my color scheme on vim using onedark I've cloned the repository and ran the following commands: $ git clone https://github.com/joshdick/o
Can I have a single statusline at the bottom of the window that changes to information about the currently focussed buffer?
I installed Vim on my MacBook today (using brew install vim), but I am having a problem: vim --version tells me that there is no Python 3, which I need. I alrea
I've started the Anaconda python distribution. This comes with something called 'Anaconda prompt' that has conda and git available at the Windows command line.
I've a file with occurence in the form _[number].htm, for example _43672151820.htm How I can remove all occurrences of strings with a matching pattern?
I have the line: public static void main(String args[]) with my cursor at the start. When I hit fc it correctly finds the first c at the end of public. When
I've tried to improve my vim experience trying to have the vim statusline color to change everytime the mode changes. I've triend this: (found here) "Auto
vimdiff file1 file2 besides differences shows also same lines from both files. Is it possible to hide them? How to do it?
I recently was looking into nvim, and was Downloading the vim-airline-gruvbox-git from the AUR, which resulted in this error, even after multiple tries of unins
I recently added ripgrep to my list of vim plugins and, immediately after installation, I began receiving this error message whenever I loaded up vim: Error det
What I want I want to use the a plugin for Vim and I use the famous plugin manager pathogen for this (https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen). The plugin is vi
I'm using vim to edit a php. I would like to get all the installed color schemes in Vim. I know that some members have asked this question, but the accepted sol
In my .vimrc I have the following: " Use j/k to navigate the word completion popup menu inoremap <expr> j pumvisible() ? "\<C-N>" : "j" inoremap &l
When my cursor is placed at the start of an empty line and I press the backspace key while in insert mode, I'd expect it to wrap the the previous line. However
Couldn't figure this out. Just need to enter 1 emoji into a string and couldn't figure it out. Unicode is not working. Tried diagraph but didn't work either.