Category "visual-foxpro"

Program error-file in use in visual foxpro

i have to do some forms in visual fox pro 9 for a school project, and if i try to use multiple tables in one form occurs the error> file in use, even if i tr

How i can fix: "OLE error Unknown COM status code" in foxpro

I have the code > lc_nmfp = GETFILE() IF LEN(ALLTRIM(lc_nmfp)) < 1 then > MESSAGEBOX("ôàéë íå âû

Visual FoxPro 9. Set Grid.RecordSource to the result of SELECT

I have 2 grids and 2 tables. I want the second one to display elements that are related to the selected enement of first grid. This can probably be done in 2 wa

how to use extended ASCII instead of unicode in PHP

I have an application that is developed in visual fox pro in which I have an encryption method that I want to transfer to php code, the code is as follows: FUNC