Category "visual-studio-code"

What is the shortcut to auto indent code in VSCode?

I work with both C++ and Python, however ctrl+k f doesn't seem to auto-indent my code. Is there anything I might be missing? If I need to install an extension t

How do you install Eigen?

I'm a complete beginner at Eigen, including headers and coding in general. I tried installing Eigen's libraries to do some stuff in Visual Studio Code but I can

Deploying an Azure Function from VS Code - Succesfull but not visible in the Portal

I created a function and I am trying to deploy it from VS Code by clicking the Deploy to Function App.... The Deployment runs successfully based on the output l

How can I fold or collapse multiple CSS rules in VS Code?

I have several CSS rules that are related (ie 30 rules regarding a CSS Loading Spinner) I would like to be able to lump all of these rules together so that I ca

Couldn't start dlv dap

When I launch in VSCode dlv dap debug, I get this message: Couldn't start dlv dap: Error:timed out while waiting for DAP server to start I already have launch

How do I see the time it took to run my program in Visual Studio Code?

Is there a way to see how long a script took to execute/complete in VS Code? I'm looking for a message like: Program finished in 30ms

Dismiss errors/warnings given a line or regex

I have a templating language on top of html,js,css. I want to be able to disable errors if it comes from lines of code that match a given regex. For example, gi

How do I remove inline parameter hints in VSCode?

In the latest version of VSCode, the default settings have changed and inline parameter hints are always shown in the code despite me not using any setting for

Couldn't add .NET Core tasks.json in VSCode

I've created an ASP.NET Core app with Angular from the console (dotnet new angular command). I want to enable debugging in Visual Studio Code for this applicati

Set encoding permanently in Visual Studio Code

I am using Visual Studio Code to write a LaTeX file with the LaTeX Workspace plugin. However everytime that I open VS Code it insists that the encoding of the

How to move the debug pointer to change the execution flow in Visual Studio Code Debugger

I have used Visual Studio 2008 to 2017, all having this feature as shown below: The yellow arrow(debug pointer) which can be used to manipulate executing line(

Including / importing .d.ts file exports

Simple question but couldn't find the answer: I have one file example.d.ts and one file example.ts, and I have a export type myType = {a: string} in the .d.ts.

Visual Studio Code: unable to edit keybingings.json "Cannot edit in read-only editor"

How to make keybindings.json read+write, on Linux Ubuntu 18.04? Relatedly, where is this file located? My end goal is to remap the Esc key.

MongoserverError: bad auth: authentication failed problem

I correctly use the username and password in the url of vs code for my server side but in the cmd i find the error of mongodb authentication fail. why this is h

Extension that colors the empty space behind the tags?

Does anyone know the name of this extension that colors the empty space behind the tags? (VsCode) Extension that colors the empty space behind the tags

Visual Studio Code not showing console logs

For example, in this method, I use console.log() to log to console for debugging purposes _onSearchTextChanged = (event) => { console.log('_onSearchText

VSCode editor window intermittently jumps to bottom when rolling mouse scroll wheel

It intermittently happens than when I move back to the text editor window, either from another editor tab or from an external program, that when I just roll the

visual studio code download link broken?

I'm tring to download MicroSoft's "Visual Studio Code" On the download page, after I clicked ".deb 64 bit", it directed

VSCode: how to undo split screen and show just current file?

VSCode provides sweet shortcuts for manipulating (splitting and rearranging) screens: Press Ctrl + \ to split your screen in two. Press Ctrl + Number to focus

Testing VSCode extensions - how to verify that decorations are set

I have an extension which adds text decorations at the end of some of the lines. I'd like to write a test which verifies that the text decorations are added and