Category "visual-studio-code"

VS-Code curious behaviour: Can't drop text dragged from browser into editor. Why is this?

My co-worker showed me a peculiar behaviour in VS-Code recently; when he tried to drag a code-snippet from the browser window into his editor, the editor change

How to make Visual Studio Code show errors when using missing SCSS styles in a React app?

In my React app I import styles from a SCSS file like this: import styles from './index.module.scss'; To use a particular SCSS style I set up a className on a

Make VSCode syntax highlighting accept Google Apps Script Scriptlets

I'm using VS Code in combination with clasp to develop in Google Apps Script. Using scriptlets inside a <script> or <style> tag is messing with VS

How to debug Django custom management command using VS Code

I am trying to debug a custom management command using Visual Studio Code. For this I have gone through the official VS Code tutorials for working with Python

vscode - how to get file search (not content) to include (git-) ignored files

Although this is not a direct dev question, but it does relate to a dev tool, which is very related to my development work: When I search for a file in VSCode

Tensorboard shows nothing in browser and vscode

I ran my code and got a tfevent file with log. and when I ran tensorboard --inspect --logdir Path find path | grep tfevent They return results without problem

LiveServer showing blank white screen

I have a very basic React site that I’m building. I'm using VS Code. When I run npm run start in the terminal, the site opens up properly and I can see th

How to make VSCode show me strictNullChecks Typescript errors

When I build my project with the following tsconfig.json, I get an error due to recently adding strictNullChecks: true. { "version": "2.3.4", "compiler

There was an error while Opening file handle

Okay so I am trying to update my VS Code but every time I click on restart to update I get the error message saying that : "There was an error while Opening fil

How to reveal current file in Explorer?

When I have a file opened, I'd like to have a shortcut to navigate to this file inside the EXPLORER, so that I can see where it is located. How can I do this?

Visual Studio Code to use node version specified by NVM

Is it possible for VS Code to use node version specified by NVM? I have 6.9.2 installed locally. Even after switching to another version, from the OS X termin

Debugging of Jupyter notebooks in VsCode

I'm using Visual Studio Code Insiders to work on Jupyter Notebook files. In the default version of VSCode it is possible to debug Jupyter notebook cells. Unfort

How to run or debug php on Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

I can't find a way to run or debug php on Visual studio code, Does anyone know how?

How to open Visual Studio Code from the command line on OSX?

The docs mention an executable called code, but I'm not sure where I can find that so I can put it on my path. The zip I downloaded from the VSCode site did not

R not attached in VS Code on Win10

I am recently switching from RStudio to VS Code. I have installed R extension in VS Code, but when I open VS Code and R terminal, R cannot be loaded. I followed

How can you create multiple cursors in Visual Studio Code

What are the keyboard shortcuts for creating multiple cursors in VS Code?

Error (Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rename 'path')

I receive the following error when trying to rename a folder in VS Code on Windows. When I try to rename a folder, I get the following error that pops up in the

Is there plugin for VS code that can automatically handle my webdriver imports? [closed]

I am learning selenium and I am having an issue with from where to import stuff. For example, when I want to use WebDriverWait I need to impor

VS code auto code import not working React native

SCREEN SHOT Help Please yarn add @types/react --save-dev yarn add @types/react-native --save-dev I am getting multiple Imports and not getting all Components

Is there any command to open list of branches in VS Code?

There is a command git.branch in VS Code keyboards shortcuts. This command opens dialog to create new branch. I can not find the command to open list of all b