I have a fresh install of Visual Studio Community 2019 on a new computer. I started a web app project, ran it for the first time, and then when prompted to acce
I am having a weird issue here, i am using vs 2019 and one of my projects refuses to recognize any newly added c# classes, i can not use it anywhere else in the
i have error which kill my application - app is running, but - thus, the data in the grids are not displayed - i think error in console browserLink:2843
I've been trying to get rid off IDE warnings for a Unity project: While csc.rsp works for CS warnings, it doesn't for IDE warnings: -nowarn:CS0649,IDE0063,I
Downloaded Visual Studio installer from https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/ first and started the download and install process. At the end of the instal
I just installed Visual Studio 2019, and I created a Xamarin.Forms project. When I tried to execute it in the android emulator, I get this error : Gravit&eacut
When using the 'Go to' feature in VS 2022 (ctrl + ,) how can I get VS to ignore the node_modules folder. Note that the node_modules folder is already marked as
Sometimes I want to the project to start with the currently selected page, and other times I want the project to start without opening a page. I would really li
While connecting to SQL Server database by attaching to an MDF file, the following error is returned: The database cannot be opened because it
I am having an awful time understanding how MSBuild works with NET Core project files (csproj) on Windows 11. I have 71 NET Core C# project files (executables,
I am currently developing a GUI that helps users pick a test to run for a DUT. The program controls a bunch of lab equipment via visa com drivers and logs the d
I have a repo that I cloned a long ago and I use the master that I push to create my branches to then merge with master. I opened visual studio and now I don't
A colleague is having a bizarre problem with Visual Studio. I am literally watching this happen live while we're on a Teams call and she shared her screen. In
I'm using the Google Visual Studio plugin AGDE to generate an APK - which works fine. I'm trying to get it to output an AAB file - but not having much luck. Doe
I`ve been trying to make a unit test in my project following this tutorial: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/test/walkthrough-creating-and-running-
I want to import functions from a different namespace in an external file into my c sharp project. But what's the right method to do it. I copied the .cs file w
I'm coding an A.I. in Visual Basic and when it when it doesn't know something the user inputted, it'll send the user's input into a Google form and submit it au
For the past week we are seeing the error "Could not determine if the selected GCP project is ready for deployment, please close the dialog and try again", imag
Is there any way, perhaps by use of Contracts, to check whether a variable's value conforms to some rules during design time in Visual Studio 2022? I.e. int is
I am trying to create list of lists, where the large list represent paper contain collection of small list represent question, list of question consist of quest