Category "wkwebview"

How to open google map links on apple map in wkwebview Swift?

I have an application and i am working with WKWebView. In WkWebView i have "get directions" links. When i press the "get directions" link, it must open a map. B

Swift/JS Restore WebView Back Forward List

I am trying to figure out how to restore the back forward list in a WKWebView. Apple defaults the BackForwardList to be readonly. However, FireFox, Chrome, and

Apple App store Reject App Submission with Deprecated API Usage error apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView

Apple Reject by distribution submission width ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView Spec

Dismissing WebView with custom navigation bar

I have this code: ForEach(news){ item in NavigationLink { WebView(url: URL(string: item.url)!) .navi

How to show certificate selection popup to the user in WKWebview embedded browser in mac

I'm trying to add support for client certificate based authentication (cba) in an embedded browser of my app in Mac. Here is the code I have. - (void)webView:(W

Unable to load the URL in iOS WebView when the button is clicked for the first time

The mobile app is all about showing a SharePoint website in a WebView. I am trying to get the URL of a third party website on click of a button which is a part

Run injected JavaScript script only once WKWebView web page has fully loaded

I want to run a particular script in WKWebView only once the webpage has fully loaded (including images). What I've been doing so far is running the function fu

iOS14, WKWebView cannot open links with _blank target

I have WKWebView that I want to use to browse a certain web site. However some links with target="_blank" are not always opening. From run to run, I get differe

Http and Https calls not working after Cordova upgrade

I built an app by using Cordova and it's in production for more than years. Recently few days back I upgraded my Cordova version from 9.x to 10.x. After upgrade

Save a PDF from a WKWebView

This questions pertains to macOS, not iOS. Note that this question is being reported as a duplicate of this question. The answers on that page pertain either t

WKWebView - Update HTML Tags from SwiftUI TextFields

In my SwiftUI App, i used a WKWebView to update some html tags from native side, using SwiftUI TextFields and a TextEditor. To get the communication working, i

WKWebView open links from certain domain in safari

Within my app I am want to open links from within my domain (e.g.: in WKWebView but then have links from other domains open in Safari.

WkWebKit - javascript on loaded page finds window.webkit is undefined

I'm experimenting with WkWebKit talking back and forth between app and page. I can get javaScript to execute fine using WkWebView evaluateJavascript method, bu

iOS WKWebview load local PDF Files some pages become black

I user wkwebview to load a local pdf file and it works fine. But when I scroll up and down to some pages, some pages become black. Have you also come across thi

Catch and call telephone number in WKWebView

I have a WKWebView that I want to ask to call a number when the number is selected. The contents of the web view contain the HTML anchor tag "tel:" and i am loo

WKWebView not showing Navigation Bar

I have a view in SwiftUI that shows a WKWebView which is passed to the main ContentView using the UIViewControllerRepresentable class, implemented following the

How to return data from WKWebView to JavaScript

I am developing a hybrid Android and iOS app using WebViews. However, I am struggling to return data from iOS app back to my Javascript. Below is how I setup t

iOS WKWebView not showing javascript alert() dialog

I am having some trouble getting a WKWebView in iOS 8 to display an alert dialog that is called from Javascript. After creating a standard WKWebView and loading

Detect button click in WKWebview

In my IOS Application I've created a WKWebview of a website that I'm not owning myself. So inside my: func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: