Searched a lot about how to change the default buddypress default 'members' slug to something else? So that my URL will look like: instead
In Wordpress, How can I delete a user pro grammatically if I have a user ID? I am using below code. $user_id = 4; $roles = array(); $user = get_userdata($user
I am trying to use jquery autocomplete to retrieve tags from wordpress db First I set a function in wp: if ( ! function_exists( 'yourtheme_frontend_scripts' )
I just moved my wordpress site to a new domain name and I am getting a "page not found" error for a couple of pages, but only in Chrome and Safari. It was worki
My Product images appear, but when I click to enter the product page, the images are hidden and they appear only when I click. Some products show on other brows
I am executing this query with core cron by custom Wordpress plugin: // MAKE SQL CALL $SQL = "SELECT ".$wpdb->prefix."postmeta.post_id FROM ".$wpdb->
I've drawn a complete blank with this if anyone can help. I have migrated a website from from a NGINX server to Apache. The installation works fine on NGINX but
I see WooCommerce gives an error message (You must accept our Terms & Conditions.), if someone not checked the "terms" check box (in the checkout page). H
I use Go Daddy and have had hosting for a while with Wordpress. I wanted to enable wp multisite so I went in searching for the wp-config.php file and it just wa
Let's say I have made some changes on a php file from a certain plug-in. How do I prevent their lost when someone else decide to update this plug-in?
I want to center align logo image of my wordpress theme, I've tried to do so but failed; Here's the CSS for Header Area /* Header ----------------------------
I'm trying to copy a live WordPress site to my local server. I went to import the database from the live site through MAMP, and I received an error message when
So I have a site that is using a select menu for the mobile navigation. I'm needing to hide a few options from the list, and have been able to so on all browser
enter image description here I don't know what is this and I'm desperate to find out as I found something on the internet saying it's a virus. Please clarify th
I am customizing the WooCommerce checkout page fields. I want to add a heading (text) in between the fields. I have reordered the fields like this add_filter('w
i try to display image but with Basic display (Object) but no showing <?php $image = get_field('image'); if( !empty($image) ): ?> <img src="&l
I've been trying to install php_imagick on wamp64 without any luck. The desired goal is for WordPress to stop showing the error message: The optional module, I
I am using by default product search of woocommerce but search result is showing result like post NOT like product. my search get query is like mydomainname/?s=
Gday I like to know how you would go about creating a home page in plain html and have WordPress run the other pages? The reason is I’d like to create
What I got so far: [ 'wp_api' => true, 'version' => 'wc/v3', 'query_string_auth' => true //Force Basic Auth