Category "wordpress"

How to change buddypress default 'members' slug to something else?

Searched a lot about how to change the default buddypress default 'members' slug to something else? So that my URL will look like: instead

Delete user programmatically in wordpress

In Wordpress, How can I delete a user pro grammatically if I have a user ID? I am using below code. $user_id = 4; $roles = array(); $user = get_userdata($user

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null when retrieving tags from wp

I am trying to use jquery autocomplete to retrieve tags from wordpress db First I set a function in wp: if ( ! function_exists( 'yourtheme_frontend_scripts' )

Wordpress page not found in Chrome, Safari

I just moved my wordpress site to a new domain name and I am getting a "page not found" error for a couple of pages, but only in Chrome and Safari. It was worki

Product Images don't show (Woocommerce)

My Product images appear, but when I click to enter the product page, the images are hidden and they appear only when I click. Some products show on other brows

WordPress Subquery returns more than 1 row on SELECT

I am executing this query with core cron by custom Wordpress plugin: // MAKE SQL CALL $SQL = "SELECT ".$wpdb->prefix."postmeta.post_id FROM ".$wpdb->

admin-ajax.php - the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

I've drawn a complete blank with this if anyone can help. I have migrated a website from from a NGINX server to Apache. The installation works fine on NGINX but

WooCommerce edit error message on checkout page

I see WooCommerce gives an error message (You must accept our Terms & Conditions.), if someone not checked the "terms" check box (in the checkout page). H

wp-config.php file is missing?

I use Go Daddy and have had hosting for a while with Wordpress. I wanted to enable wp multisite so I went in searching for the wp-config.php file and it just wa

How do you protect certain php files from overwriting by updates in Wordpress?

Let's say I have made some changes on a php file from a certain plug-in. How do I prevent their lost when someone else decide to update this plug-in?

How to center align logo image in Wordpress Theme?

I want to center align logo image of my wordpress theme, I've tried to do so but failed; Here's the CSS for Header Area /* Header ----------------------------

#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) MAMP MySQL access denied

I'm trying to copy a live WordPress site to my local server. I went to import the database from the live site through MAMP, and I received an error message when

CSS - Hide Options From Select Menu on iPhone & Safari

So I have a site that is using a select menu for the mobile navigation. I'm needing to hide a few options from the list, and have been able to so on all browser

I'm desperate. My website is showing this error in console, related to

enter image description here I don't know what is this and I'm desperate to find out as I found something on the internet saying it's a virus. Please clarify th

How to add a heading in between checkout fields of WooCommerce

I am customizing the WooCommerce checkout page fields. I want to add a heading (text) in between the fields. I have reordered the fields like this add_filter('w

Wordpress : ACF image not showing

i try to display image but with Basic display (Object) but no showing <?php $image = get_field('image'); if( !empty($image) ): ?> <img src="&l

How to install php_imagick on wamp64

I've been trying to install php_imagick on wamp64 without any luck. The desired goal is for WordPress to stop showing the error message: The optional module, I

Woocommerce Search Result showing post result not product result

I am using by default product search of woocommerce but search result is showing result like post NOT like product. my search get query is like mydomainname/?s=

Creating a plain html home page AMP with WordPress running the other pages

Gday I like to know how you would go about creating a home page in plain html and have WordPress run the other pages? The reason is I’d like to create

Cant seem to get the Pagination to work on my WooCommerce REST API application?

What I got so far: [ 'wp_api' => true, 'version' => 'wc/v3', 'query_string_auth' => true //Force Basic Auth