Category "xamarin.forms"

How do you create Xamarin Forms class hierarchies inheriting from the 'Page' type?

In Xamarin.Forms, I'm trying to create a page that I then subclass, like this: public partial class PageA : ContentPage { public PageA() {InitializeComponent

Display a popup with xamarin forms

I want to display a small popup in a xamarin forms application (iOS/Android PCL) I am actually working with a ContentPage (XAML + C# code) and i am showing th

Add reference Xamarin.Forms

Im working on a Xamarin.Forms project and I need to work with things. The problem is that in a project before, I do have the reference, but in the

How to use a Grid with Bindable Layout (more than one column)

In Xamarin.Forms 3.5 Microsoft introduced us to bindable layouts which can be used to dynamically fill layouts (e.g. StackLayout, Grid, etc.). To use this in a

Method 'UIKit.UIApplication.Main' is obsolete: Use the overload with 'Type' instead of 'String' parameters for type safety

After upgrade my Xamarin.Forms version to, I'm getting the following warning in Main.cs file inside my iOS project: Method UIKit.UIApplication.Main