This question is similar if not identical but there is no solution. I've looked inside the archive and there's only one executable, so I am at a loss as to how
I am facing this issue related to IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET while build the flutter application for the ios platform repeatedly, I am not able to understand h
I recently had my phone updated to iOS 15.4 and so I need to update Xcode to 13.3. I ran into a problem where my code does build on x86_64 simulator but the sam
When I installed cocoa pods I got this message. The cocoa pods downloaded is in version 1.10.1. Ive tried to use the command they give but this appears: Ignorin
I try to create a Document Picker for my iOS app. Here is my code (I wrapped the UIDocumentPickerViewController in my SwiftUI View, with UIViewControllerReprese
After import the Firebase.h file i wrote "[FIRApp configure]" on "- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *
Isn't there some way by which I get to know the errors only after I have compiled the program? I don't want to XCode to prompt me for semi colons as I am a stud
I've been building a flutter application and its come time to release to internal testers and I've been running into issues. The error I get is this ERROR ITMS-
I am trying to run an iPad simulator on Xcode, but currently I only have one option when I go to Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Simulator, which launches t
I tried to install gcc 5.2 (already installed dependencies successfully) from source file on my computer one week ago, but it failed at make phase or make insta
I using google with sign in. From today morning, google sign in was not working. Not sure why its happening. I am getting error : ID Token expired On my consol
Flutter stuck on running xcode build; the verbose shows that it get stuck at here, [ +14 ms] Running Xcode build... [ +20 ms] executing: [/Users/navodsant
I created an app with Xcode 11.6 (11E708) on macOS Catalina 10.15.6 (19G73). I archived and exported this app to an ipa file with Xcode. Now, I want to upload t
I am working on a flutter app. I recently shifted to macOS and since then haven't been able to run the app. Other apps are running fine so I think the error is
help, please, I need your help. There is a project that runs in the simulator without problems, but when installed on a device (iphone 7) crashes (when opened).
I have a project that will not compile, after upgrading to Xcode 13.3 The error is Type 'CircularBuffer<Element>' does not conform to protocol 'MutableCol
I've already made a table view which allows the user to add tasks to the table view, but now I need to add a checkbox in front of each task, so that the user ca
What's the right way of removing CocoaPods from a project? I want to remove the whole CocoaPod. Due to some limitations imposed by my client I can't use it. I n
Upon updating/bumping up the version and the build # in Xcode version 9.1, I saw the following upon doing git diff diff --git a/star.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
I have a ZStack that I set the color to black and then add a VideoPlayer. When I rotate the device there are still flashes of white around the player. I have pl