Category "xcode"

After updated my Xcode 13.3.1, I unable to run my flutter project with the error CocoaPods not installed or not in valid state

Error in console: Warning: CocoaPods not installed. Skipping pod install. CocoaPods is used to retrieve the iOS and macOS platform side's plugin code that respo

Flutter Upgrade Breaks iOS Build

After upgrading Flutter to 2.10.5 my XCode build is giving me: Error output from Xcode build: ↳ objc[49279]: Class AppleTypeCRetimerRestoreInfoHelper

Running Xcode DocC without Apache Server/ (.htaccess)

In the DocC documentation, "Distributing Documentation to External Developers", Apple provided documentation to Host a Documentation Archive on Your Website. Un

Making parts of text bold in SwiftUI

I was wondering how I would make only sections of a text bold while keep the rest 'regular' in SwiftUI. I currently have: Text("Coronavirus Disease of 2019")

Voxeet Cordova - CFBundleIdentifier Collision

I was able to add the plugin upgrading xcode version to 13. I test my app and everything is working but then I try to archive the .ipa and upload it to the appS

Images inaccessible from asset catalog in a SwiftUI framework

I've created an iOS framework that contains a single SwiftUI View. I've then added an Asset Catalog with a single image. Trying to access that image from the Sw

Xcode 10: A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found

Since yesterday I've been getting the following error when trying run an app on my device: A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found." Th

Does testflight reviews app again if i up the version number?

I have few queries about test flight build uploads . As i know the basic steps but i have questions still as this will be first time i shall be uploading build

FLUTTER RUN XCODE 13.3 on MAC - App won't build anymore since Update : Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEKit

Am going literally crazy since the last update in MAC OS and XCODE 13.3. My app will no longer build and I get a mile-long list of problems which I do not under

Xcode stuck in "Uploading package to the App Store" stage while uploading

I have tried to upload an application to Test Flight. The app is successfully validated. However, when distributing, Xcode is stuck in the "Uploading" stage as

SwiftUI : How to set image in MacOs?

please help me to set image in macOs application using swiftUI Here is my Implementation: import SwiftUI struct SigninView: View { var body: some View {

Xcode 10 app icon not showing

Recently updated to Xcode 10 beta and my App that previously has correct icon displayed when built and ran from Xcode 9.4 to device now shows the default blank

Fastlane Apple Generic versioning not enabled in this project

What I’m doing is trying to make bitbucket pipline do my iOS CD, I included docker fastlanetools/fastlane image and in the steps i pull and run the docker

LLDB RPC server freezes app

For the past months I have not been able to debug macOS or iOS apps through Xcode. What happens is the following: Build and run app from Xcode. Xcode says app

react-native app starting up slowly (ios)

I have a react-native app which is starting up very slowly on IOS (both on simulator and real device). It happens with both the debug build and the release buil

Picker's configuration is not a valid configuration, Swift

I am working on new image picker API provided by Apple in WWDC2020 named as PHPicker. I am getting this error when I select the image form the picker second tim

How to limit the number of results in a FetchRequest in SwiftUI

How can I limit the size of the retrieved FetchedResults when making a FetchRequest to CoreData? struct ContentView: View { var fetchRequest:FetchRequest&l

Incorrect Video Time using mpeg4AppleHLS swift

I am creating MPEG-2 video files using mpeg4applehls profile type in avassetwriter, the videos duration or start time are wrong. I create 5-second video segment

UNUserNotificationCenter need to willPresent code

I have an app written in Swift that uses UNUserNotificationCenter and I have it presenting notifications when the app is in the foreground. What I want to do is

Create a static library with React dependency

I created a library that uses the native navigation controller to navigate through react and native screens. The library is written in Swift and contains some o