Category "xcode"

Flutter: database is locked Possibly there are two concurrent builds running in the same filesystem location

Trying to run the app on my two iOS devices by doing flutter run -d all. However, I am getting database is locked Possibly there are two concurrent builds runni

use systemSound from SystemSoundID for UNNotificationSound

I am trying to add a sound to my UNNotification. Instead of my own custom sound or the default sound, I would like to use one of the iOS SystemSounds in AVFoun

How do i solve "Undefined symbols for architecture arm64" error?

I used the latest version of the AdMob plugin & unity Mediation plugin. but I still get this error, How do I solve the "Undefined symbols for architecture a

Segmentation fault: 11 (in target 'DKImagePickerController' from project 'Pods')

I'm developing IOS app from flutter. Everything working fine, suddenly I have received error SwiftCodeGeneration normal arm64 (in target 'DKImagePickerControlle

Metro has encountered an error: While trying to resolve module '@react-native/normalize-color'

I just wanted to try react-native.However, after run the script "npm run ios",I got this error in the Xcode's simulator. react-native version: v0.66.0, platfor

Getting the following error when I run npx cap sync to run an ionic Angular project in xcode

When i run npx cap sync to run my ionic angular project in xcode I get the following error. [!] The plist file at path `/Users/user/Documents/GitHub/project-nam

SwiftUI TextField with formatter broken when built with Xcode 13.3?

It looks like Xcode 13.3 broke the TextField with formatter. In example below the Text should show the value entered in the TextField, which works fine when bui

fixing Memory Issue in Swift

I'm having a memory issue while pushing/segueing to certain UIViewControllers [ChallengePrivacySettingViewC]. All of component of the ChallengePrivacySettingV

Error message: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x7ffeead03e18)

I'm creating an app and I get this error: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x7ffeead03e18). Whole code runs without any errors, it's just when I try to

XCode 13.1 Failed to generate coverage for target '' at paths

Failed to generate coverage for target '' at paths ( "/Users/bupozhuang/DeriveData/xxDemo-aacxrfgumjzqjncgymjnenzofsub/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulato

Xcode 11 beta swift ui preview not showing

Just playing with Swift UI basic app and the preview canvas is not showing even though I'm in canvas mode. App runs, and I have this little snippet what am I mi

Unabled to create single view ios app in xcode

I am new to ios/xcode and I was trying to follow through the new SwiftUI tutorial. The first one has you create a ios single view app . However when I go to xco

XCode Simulator Path in XCode 13.2

I tried to download manually the iOS Simulator 15.0 but I don't know where should I put the .dmg file or iPhoneSimulatorSDK15_0.pkg file, Does anyone have any i

Interface Builder in Xcode 11.6 (11E708) displays storyboards in XML format

I am currently running Xcode version 11.6 and for whatever reason Main.storyboard displays only XML version. I tried to Google around a bit but unfortunately fo

Xcode: Own Swift packages missing in Schema selector

I have some SPM swift packages as part of my swift project. After some Xcode crashes, those packages don't appear in the Schema selector (black arrow in image)

Xcode 13 UI Previews folder takes too much space

I have a 250Gb M1 Mac Mini and it is starting to run out of disk space recently, it seems like the UI Previews is the main culprit which takes roughly 165GB spa

automatic delete token in userdefaults after 6 hours in swiftui

I have two apis Login DataShow when i login server gives me token which remains valid for only 6 hours and i am saving it in userdefaults, so that user will not

In SwiftUI how can I clip a part of a view with another view?

I am trying to overlap two circles in SwiftUI and have a margin between them. I am presently using this method: ZStack { Circle() .frame(width: 60,

How do fix the "Cannot find 'NSFetchRequest' in scope error

I have tried to make an NSFetchRequest in many different ways and each time I get this error: "Cannot find type 'NSFetchRequest' in scope" Here are the specific

gitlab pipeline build server for ios

We're running everything in AWS, including our self-hosted Gitlab server. Now I am trying to create a pipeline to build and publish our IOS apps. Gitlab cloud d